I’m reproducing a two-part series from 2014 on our angelic background because … it feels like it’s time to be discussing these matters.
The best time seems to be before Disclosure, after which we’ll find ourselves front and center without knowing why or what to do.
The first point to be made, as this series does is: Most lightworkers on the planet at the present time have some connection with the angelic kingdom.
Why make that point? Because we don’t know who we are, collectively, and so we lack cohesion and confidence in ourselves. But we are angels.
I’d like to turn our attention to the rich vein of knowledge we’ve been given in the last three years about the angelic kingdom. Why is it relevant? Because apparently most of us reading these articles are angels.
Either we descended from the angelic kingdom long ago to participate in the experiment of form or else we’ve incarnated specifically to assist with this Ascension.
The angels through Tazjima tell us that “many of you are angelic beings, sweet, gentle and kind.” (1) The source who calls herself “Mary,” through Pamela Kribbe, tells us that “you have been angels yourself at one time and, deep down, you still are. From the core of your being runs a channel to the angelic realm.” (2)
Let’s look at these two cases.
(1) Those who Descended from the Angelic Kingdom Long Ago
Archangel Michael explains that the greatest number of us descended from the angelic kingdom long ago.
“When you emanated as love or light from the heart of One into that light form, for the greatest percentage of you – there would be such a small fraction that it is really not worth speaking of in this discussion — the first form you assumed was angelic.
“Now, some of you emerged, can we say, as the first wave. Some of you emerged as seraphim. Some of you emerged as archangels. Some of you emerged as angels.” (3)
On another occasion he says:
“Each of you, my beloved brothers and sisters, have begun your journey, not only as a spark of light, not only as an emanation from the heart of One, but as an angel—some of you, a few of you, even as archangels, or one of the keepers of the dominions or the principalities or the virtues.” (4)
We’ve already travelled through all the angelic kingdoms, he explains.
“As you have left the heart of One, you have traveled through, think of it, all the angelic kingdoms or spheres. Now, most of you, of course, did not become or stop or remain as a seraphim or an archangel or a dominion. But many of you, most of you, have certainly spent time, if I can put it that way, in the angelic realm.” (5)
Following that, we formless beings agreed to participate in the experiment of form, he tells us:
“And then, yes, you have incarnated. You have been the adventurous ones, you have been the explorers, and you believed in yourself strongly enough to say to the Mother/Father/One, ‘I am going to go. I will assume form. I will know the joy of being in form and physicality, and then I will come home and resume my form.’
“Well, some of you have not resumed in eons. But that matters not. Whether you are starseed or hybrid or Earth-keeper, you still are angelic. And this is something we want you to remember, to spend time during this process of Ascension incorporating, inviting in, all of your glorious aspects.” (6)
Why we did that, Archangel Michael reminds us, was out of love.
“You have, again, in service to the One, gone and assumed human forms, or other forms in other planetary systems, always because of love. This is the primary motivator. It isn’t about punishment. … It isn’t about doing service as you think of, in terms of military terms. It is about love.” (7)
“Mary” tells us, “you have come to the adventure of life on Earth of your own free will.” (8) Why we came here was, she says, was “to learn, to have adventure, and to experience all manner of things. It is meant to be a joyful adventure.” (9)
These then are the angels that have been on Earth for a very long time – in fact, since Earth’s earliest days. They’ve been called the Creator Race. (10) Jesus explained to us how and why Gaia was created:
“Often we have talked to you, and particularly my beloved Mother has talked to you, about the creation of this wonderful planet of Gaia and how it was created as a planet of Love and a planet of peace, my friends. …
“In the very creation and the essence of this mighty being called Gaia was the formation of a place, a physical experience of such diversity and incredible beauty that the angels would come and play here and know what it was to have a physical experience of Love.” (11)
Commander Ashira describes this original group that came to furnish the setting that Gaia was.
“There was an original group called the Creator Race on Earth – and it wasn’t as small as many of you are thinking. Was it billions? No. But it was significant. … This was not simply one generation – it was many generations.
“So there were many generations of the Creator Race coming into form – either as Starseed or Angelics – into form to create what would be the experience of Love, of joy, of community, of temperance, on Earth. Now if you think of it as the various stages that you are aware of – industrial, agro, even your information age, your electronic age – well, you are much much older than you think.” (12)
This then is the first group of angelic beings who came to Earth or Gaia in the far distant past and are here again today.
Tomorrow we’ll look at those who came from the angelic kingdom directly and specifically in this lifetime to assist with this ground-breaking Ascension.
(Concluded in Part 2.)
(1) “Tazjima: Another Message from the Angels – Encouragement,” as channeled by Tazjima – March 24, 3013, at https://bluedragonjournal.com/author/tazjima/.
(2) “Mary: Money and Abundance,” channeled by Pamela Kribbe, June 9, 2014 at https://www.jeshua.net.
(3) “Archangel Michael: The First Form You Assumed was Angelic,” July 7, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/ascension-as-of-2012/what-role-are-the-angels-playing/archangel-michael-the-first-form-you-assumed-was-angelic/.
(4) Archangel Michael in “Archangels Michael and Gabrielle on the Angelic Realm: Hour with an Angel Transcript, March 26, 2012,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/ascension-as-of-2012/what-role-are-the-angels-playing/archangels-michael-and-gabrielle-on-the-angelic-realm-hour-with-an-angel-transcript-march-26-2012/.
(5) “Archangel Michael: Back to the One with the Speed of Love,” July 16, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/07/16/archangel-michael-back-to-the-one-with-the-speed-of-love/.
(6) Archangel Michael in “Archangels Michael and Gabrielle on the Angelic Realm,” ibid.
(7) “Archangel Michael: Back to the One with the Speed of Love,” ibid.
(8) “Mary: Money and Abundance,” ibid.
(9) Loc. cit.
(10) “What is the Creator Race?” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/building-nova-earth-toward-a-world-that-works-for-everyone/lightworkers/what-is-the-creator-race/
(11) Jesus Sananda, “Earth’s Creator Race,” June 21, 2010, at https://counciloflove.com/2010/06/earth%E2%80%99s-creator-race/.
(12) “Transcript: Heavenly Blessings ~ Commander Ashira on Galactic Life, March 18, 2014,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/03/21/transcript-heavenly-blessings-commander-ashira-on-galactic-life-march-18-2014/.