Here are a few questions and answers from the emails I received about the Ascension series, in case the questions are more general.
May I repeat two things before beginning please? First, we need to be able to discern whether a statement made applies to all people or just some.
One difficulty I encounter is that a commentator may be making a statement that applies to some and it’s taken as applying to all. So perhaps ask yourself the question first of who the statement might apply to.
The second thing is that there’s a wonderful, ample, encyclopedic database on all matters relating to Ascension, Disclosure, accountability, love, love, love here: First Contact. That’s where I go to answer your questions.
After 12/21/2012, I thought we were held up because we had chosen as a collective to ascend together. Has this changed?
No, it hasn’t changed. It was always said that some people will choose not to ascend. Our collective decision cannot abrogate freewill choices made.
Moreover, whatever our choice in the matter, an individual still has to have assimilated enough light to change their body from carbon to crystal. If they don’t, it doesn’t matter what choice the collective made. They will not ascend. As Matthew said, it’s simply a question of physics.
So our choice as a collective does not override the physics of the matter.
Steve, you mentioned that there are those who have chosen not to ascend via their soul agreement.
If a person’s current consciousness says, ‘yes,’ to ascension… would that overrule a ‘no’ in their pre-incarnation soul agreement?
The problem is that we’re looking at large numbers of people and thinking that a statement I make about some applies to others.
Some people said they did not want to ascend but nevertheless wanted to be part of this time for what they could learn.
Other people did not make that stipulation and now are looking at leaving the darkness and ascending.
The same statement does not apply to both groups.
As to the specifics of your question, I’d think that a “yes” now would override a “no” in a pre-birth agreement. I couldn’t conceive of how it could be otherwise in a loving universe.
In part one you say the fence straddlers will be stuck because they didn’t make a choice in time. But then you say the people who choose to stay for love they’ll still have the opportunity to ascend. How can both be true?