Archangel Gabrielle is our guest this week on An Hour with an Angel. We’ll explore with her her work in creating, organizing and administering universes.
We’ll explore what an archangel can and cannot do when working with a society of humans, with free will.
We’ll ask her for her insights into the context of Earth and its ascension in the broader scheme of the universe.
Airs Monday at 5pm PT/8pm ET
Call 323-784-9697 or click this link to listen live or to the archive after the show:
We’ll ask her to discuss with us the role of the beings who have chosen to be on the Earth in this time of shift in the bigger context of the unfoldment?
We’ll ask her to describe how, when prosperity begins to flow on the planet, what that will look like. We’ll ask her to describe the various streams of prosperity and how it will reach people.