Is this evidence of the transformational effects of containment? (1) Glenn Beck acknowledges that he’s hurt a lot of people and wasted much of his life. I imagine it’s no accident that he lost his voice: It was his weapon of choice. But notice the softer quality about him now.
As I watched this, I used it to gauge where I was at with things. Did I resent? Want to get even? Forgive? I personally felt unable to cast the first stone. There but for the grace of God go I. (2)
We’ll undoubtedly see a lot more of this in the weeks and months ahead and I know for myself that, each time I see it, it helps me decide where my commitment, as an individual and a lightworker, lies.
We’ve been told to watch the rise of the ones who played the dark roles once they extract themselves from them. (3) I wish Glenn a speedy recovery from his own role. And I know I’ll cheer him on if he successfully makes the transition.
It’ll feel funny and I’ll have my moments of doubt. But the words of Werner Erhard keep coming back to me as being true in this regard: “All anyone is ever waiting for is for you to get off it.” Let’s hope that Glenn just got off it.
Good luck, Glenn. And thanks to Sonic.
(1) See “Containment” at, and
(2) “As the cycle closes, remember that you have all played out lives on both sides of duality, and they are seen as necessary experiences to enable you to balance both energies. You may have succeeded now, but do not allow your achievement to cloud your mind against the dark Ones.” (SaLuSa, Oct. 28, 2011.)
“You have all to some degree had such experiences, so now you can understand why it is essential you are non-judgmental where other souls are concerned. Do your best to be forgiving if you have been personally hurt, and please do not harbor the energies of hate as they will eat into your body and cause you illness. They will also hold you back from progressing, as you cannot take them with you into the higher dimensions.” (SaLuSa, Oct. 28, 2011.)
(3) “From the aspect of the great game of duality that is coming to an end, you may see that it could not have been played unless some souls agreed to take on the roles necessary to challenge the Light.” (SaLuSa, July 25, 2011.)
“Have compassion, and bear in mind that they are still sparks of the Light and Love, and can fully make their way back to the Light. In fact because they have dropped lower than many other souls, they will in time make great Light Carriers. You cannot know their karma so make allowances for their roles in your present period of history.” (SaLuSa, Oct. 28, 2011.)
“Bear in mind even the most hardened hearts do not completely lose their godspark, and it can always be ignited again.” (SaLuSa, July 25, 2011.)