When one of the members of the Nova Earth team has a personal reading with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, we usually tell the other members and everyone who has a question sends it along.
This time, when I had a reading, Geoffrey West, host of Cosmic Vision News, asked what the impact of the meteor that the galactics broke up before it hit Russia would have been and Archangel Michael’s answer set me back on my heels.
Galactic ships intercept meteor
“It could have triggered what you would think of as … the only comparison you would have would be… another Ice Age.”
“Wow. You’re kidding,” I responded.
“No,” he said.
Steve: So the galactics prevented another Ice Age. That’s what you’re saying, right?
AAM: That is what I’m saying. … Your star brothers and sisters intervened. That is why it was not more dramatic and damaging. And they intervened not only on behalf of the people of Earth and of Russia, but on behalf of Gaia herself.
S: And was this heavenly body, so to speak, sent here by the dark forces?
AAM: No. It is just what is moving about. It is part of the movement of energy, of debris, throughout the universe. So no, there was no negative force behind it, not the way you think of it.
S: Alright, if the galactics had not been around at this time, for the purposes of Ascension, would they still have provided this service?
AAM: Yes.
You can see the starships interacting with the meteor in the Youtube video posted above but I had no idea that what would have occurred would have been an event of such magnitude. Not perhaps extinction level (ELE), but it would have cancelled a few plans for summer vacation! And it would have turned the planet into an icebox.