by Daniel Scranton
“We are The Creators. We are twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings and we are here to help.
We seek communion with as many of you who are willing to connect, and we seek it because we know it serves you.
In other words, the more you open yourselves up to that which is higher dimensional and high frequency, the more you become the Divine Beings of light and love that you truly are.
And when we see you being the Divine Beings of light and love that you truly are there on Earth we feel joy, we feel satisfaction, and we feel fulfillment. It is our primary objective to elevate the consciousness there on the planet so that you all can live in harmony with one another and with Mother Earth herself.
We know that you have other desires as well, and those desires also serve in the expansion of consciousness that this is all about. So don’t worry about the fact that you have desires that are separate from that overall desire that you have for humanity to live in harmony with each other and with the planet.
Do not think for a moment that you are letting everyone down by having your desire to be in a romantic relationship, or finish a marathon, or make a certain amount of money in a year.
Those goals and those desires create an expansion that you will someday benefit from and that we all benefit from right away.
You like challenges and you like raising the stakes on yourselves. And so, you do tend to put yourselves in predicaments, in challenges, in situations where your desire may run in conflict with someone else’s desire. And then the two of you have that option of finding a harmonious way to deal with that situation, or you can always choose the option of trying to defeat the other so that you can have what you want while triumphing over the other person who appears to be giving you a hard time.
Those conflicts and those challenges are always there by agreement, and they are there because at the soul level, you know that challenges and conflicts serve you and that you will grow in who you really are by facing them.
It is a good idea to let go of the notion that you are supposed to be living a perfect life where everything comes your way effortlessly.
You may have those experiences from time to time, and you will enjoy them, but you will also look back at your past from certain points in your life, and you will know that the challenge served you so much more than when you were on Easy Street.
In other words, the challenge brought you more, brought you to a higher level of consciousness, brought you more of a sense of community, connection, and an understanding of who you really are as a Source Energy being. It is only at that level of the true self, the Source self, that you are able to handle the challenge and rise above it.
Now, we know that when you are in those times of crisis, when you have hit rock bottom, or when you are feeling despair, you are more likely to seek those like us out for communion.
You are more likely to look to the angels and archangels and helpers you have in the higher realms because you recognize you need that assistance. And in those moments, you often don’t think of yourselves as the divine beings of light and love that you are. We come to remind you of who you are. We set the vibrational tone of it for you and invite you to it. And when you see the light, most of you come towards it.
And you may then give us all the credit for helping you or raising you up, but you had to get to that rock bottom point to reach out in faith to that which you hoped or believed existed, and you had to let us in.
And when you let us in, beautiful things happen for you and for all of humankind.
We are not just talking about us as The Creators. We are talking about all who are in the nonphysical, as we are all seeking to help you to become more of who and what you really are.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”