I’d like to speak to both Canadians and Americans for a moment, if I may.
I certainly don’t favor a tariff war over any issue. But I can also understand President Trump’s refusal to waste any more time waiting for Canada to deal with a border porous to fentanyl and illegal migration.
The Trudeau Government, so active with Covid 19’s repressive measures, employing UN troops to beat down the freedom convoy, and blocking our bank accounts if we supported them is strangely silent when it comes to spending money on closing Canada’s borders to criminality.
And I suspect that the majority of Canadians have a hard time suspecting the degree of infiltration of the government by everything that’s plaguing America as well – Illuminati-infiltration, corrupted leaders, wooing by the World Economic Forum, etc.
AND (big “and”) we’re in the middle of a war where the lives of hundreds of thousands of women and children kept as slaves underground are at stake as well as the devastation of American cities and even regions. No one has time to get another nation’s attention. Regard tariffs as having our attention demanded. Right now.
I have absolutely no problem with closing the border to fentanyl and illegals. We’ve seen in the U.S. what can happen from unregulated border crossings. Rapes and murders.
It takes no great leap to understand why this would be of concern to a Trump administration at present rebuilding the wall at the southern border. As well as taking the initiative around the world in ways we’re not yet aware of.
I’ll say only this, that President Trump has won the allegiance of many if not most world leaders except those few still obeying the Illuminati through one of their vehicles. Some world leaders have been executed for treason and replaced by stand-ins (actors or clones). I’ll name one: Joe Biden. We are – for real – draining the swamp. And that includes closing the borders.
In this war that we’re all in, we can do our share. As our contribution to stopping these two catastrophic international circumstances, we can secure the borders, tariffs or no tariffs.
Let’s put aside what didn’t work and, without wasting time in useless finger-pointing, concentrate on what will produce the result: in this case, securing the borders.