Archangel Michael’s special task is to bring peace to the world. When I use the word “peace” I mean something in particular, which I’ll get to in a minute.
In order to illustrate co-creative partnership between an archangel and his servant, let me lay out some of the discussions we’ve had over the decade of our readings together on the work he wants me to do on behalf of world peace.
More or less right out of the starting gate, he said:
Archangel Michael: Your job is to participate and to lead in a worldwide peaceful revolution, for peace the time is now. …
And we do not mean an absence of war. We mean the presence of peace as you have been describing it. (1)
“We mean the presence of peace as you have been describing it.” I have been attempting to describe peace, but, like love and all higher-dimensional states, I assume, we have few words for it besides superlatives.
Like love, peace is a consciousness state. The experience of it is way, way more than just peace as a behavioral outcome; i.e., where we stop making war on each other, but nothing else.
Two years later, he said:
AAM: I have a new assignment for you. It is called writing. Dear heart, … I want peace to reign in your body, your heart and your mind and I want you to write about it. (2)
I’m good with that. Still later:
AAM: What you do is you are a peacemaker, a peaceful warrior, a communicator. You have created a platform upon which you yourself and many communicate [not only] the truth of the challenges, but the truth of your planet, of your journey, of the upliftment. (3)
Keep in mind that he’s talking to a man who considered himself at the time pretty darned angry. I was the global policeman. I’d fight anyone – on the street, on the bus, wherever. So I’m sitting here listening to Michael and wondering what is he talking about.
But then he did what he so often does – he gave me an experience that changed everything.
While I think I’ve experienced peace as a consciousness state on a number of occasions, as is recorded in An Ascension Ethnography – Part 1, (4) the occasion I chiefly remember was when I was meditating and saw people’s faces pass by as if I were passing the platform of a train station.
When I saw one man’s face, I was struck at how composed he was and I recall saying to myself, “That’s peace.” And the minute I said that, something like a beam of light went from his eyes into me and I found myself in a state of deep peace. Michael described it as travelling interdimensionally:
AAM: And even as you have been watching, as if you were on a train, many of your thoughts and feelings passing by, understand that you have also been travelling dimensionally.
Steve: In my sleep? Not in my daytime, have I?
AAM: When you have had that experience in reflection of watching your thoughts and feelings travelling by you like a train, you have been moving forward through dimensions.
And part of that journey of discovery is you saying, “Now where is my natural Self living? I’m going to travel this train until I find him,” which of course you have. (5)
I found the Self in the seat of the soul, the deepest part of the heart, the following year at Xenia, Sept. 18, 2018
Peace wasn’t like anything I’d thought. I felt strong while in it and for as long as I remained in it. I now can see the source of Gandhi’s strength. When a person is genuinely in a state of peace, meaning no harm to anyone, not latching on to any stray aggressive thoughts, just as with love, a person becomes very strong. The word “immovable” comes to mind.
We’d have the degree of security that the psalmist has in singing, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me.” There’s no fear in love or peace.
As long as I identified myself with the body, peace felt as if I were standing on granite – a sure foundation. Then, when I realized what I was doing and stopped identifying with my body, (7) peace became more of the gentle experience that I first expected.
Finally, Michael also mentioned something that has come to pass:
Archangel Michael: Certainly there will be a time in the very near future when you will feel the need to be more vocal, to be more directive, to certainly be more in the true mantle of your divine authority. …
And so, as you are stepping forward or [becoming] visibly more vocal, the sense of peace, of rightness (inner and outer) will expand, not contract. And when you feel any sense of contraction that is my signal to you to step back and redirect. (8)
And so it has happened. I am becoming more vocal. On the rescue of children, the draining of the swamp, and the revealing of the truth.
All in the name of achieving world peace. In doing so, I believe I’m doing the Mother’s work. If not I’ll contract and take the signal to self-correct.
But doing the Mother’s work without evil or aggressive intention does bring peace. I can tell you that right now because I’m in it as I write.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 18, 2011. (Hereafter AAM.)
(2) AAM, May 6, 2013.
(3) AAM, Aug. 22, 2014.
(4) See An Ascension Ethnography – Part 1 at
(5) AAM, Feb. 17, 2017.
(6) Steve: Was the sight of the Self at the Xenia retreat a fourth-chakra event?
Archangel Michael: Yes, it was.
Steve: So it’s possible to have two fourth-chakra events or maybe even more possibly?
AAM: It is possible to have multiple chakra events throughout your lifetimes, sweet one. Again, what you are thinking of is a limitation: Something is activated or not activated.
Think in terms of open, open, open, open, bigger, bigger, bigger. So yes, you might have several events. You should have several events! (AAM, June 12, 2019.)
(7) I had had an out-of-body experience in 1977 and knew I was not my body. See “The Disappearance of the Fear of Death,” November 14, 2023, at
(8) AAM, Dec. 5, 2018.