by Nicky Hamid
Heartmind to places of conflict in our world.
I intend that freedom, unity, friendship, community and abundance descend on ALL countries and dissolve the fear, grief, anger and confusion.
That the despots give up their hopeless cause of greed, manipulation and hate, hurt, and their hearts melt as they are contained in the LOVE we have for ALL.
From here, I will to Love conflict to “death”.
Beloved friends send a triple solar flare (heart, mind. And gut (solar plexis)) from your Radiance to the heart Radiance) of any place of conflict that comes to mind, and their precious HUman Hearts.
Shine, Shine, Shine, the power of your Love, Beloved Friends, Soul Tribe.m the beginning
The illusion is dissolving.
We, the people, are doing it.
Just know this to be so within your own Life as you find it, and be patient and steadfast.
Do not believe the misguided warmongers caught in the realms of Shadow, who would like to stir up your fear and anger, confusion and self-doubt.
Thankyou, thankyou, Brothers and Sisters, of all countries, beliefs, and persuasions, for holding your ground at last for your birthright of Freedom, Unity, and LOVE.
The Middle Eastern, Asian and African, and South American lands are the cradles of HUman civilization, they held our magical dreams and solid hopes from the beginning, and now we hold those same and share back the gifts you have given us.
We so Love you.
No thought of Love or a breath of Light is ever wasted.
We are all so powerful, and together we are shifting the mountains of fear. Dissolving them with our Love just as a river dissolves the mountain rock.
Folks of the world we are watching a miracle happen. Or should I say creating that miracle?
I So Love You
PS: Know that your heart felt thoughts of Love connect you to the WWW of LOVE that is palpable now. And as we love, we serve, we create, we transform, using each our gifts. It is the Now reality of 5th dimensional Being (Unconditional Universal, Eternal LOVE) and Living.