by Natalia Alba
Beloved Ones,
The Aquarian New Moon, concludes the initiation that many of us are undergoing into this New Aquarian Cycle, one that is yet to be consciously and lovingly built.
Every thought and act counts to continue stabilizing our new harmonic time. The New Moon in Aquarius together with Uranus direct in Taurus tomorrow, assists us in anchoring the shift that this transitional nine universal year brings us.
A transitional year that is also marked by the Chinese New Year, represented by the Snake. A wonderful symbol of transformation and metamorphosis, for this, is the energetic process that we all are undergoing – a process of transfiguration to becoming illumined beings.
Many new doorways are opening for us if we know where to look. Our feelings, our highest guidance, will let us know where to go next, where our presence is required, and appreciated, for where should never interfere or go where we are not valued.
As I previously shared, this is a time of profound clearing. It is a time to remove fear, refocus, and reevaluate our personal timelines, dissolve destructive ones, and focus our energy on the timelines we are guided to manifest now.
This a year in which we are going to be shaking from our core, realizing what aspects of ourselves and our lives are not yet free from mental and energetic slavery, for many are starting to step into energetic sovereignty, which occurs when we completely govern our Consiciunsess, and hence energy, and spiritual life force.
Many of you are feeling the physical, mental, and emotional consequences of moving out of the many 3D distractions, your bodies are deeply releasing years of drama, toxins, debris, emotional wounds, female repression, and masculine distortions. This is why this clearing passage has been so important, for change is coming for all of us in one way or another, and adapting to change, as our family from Andromeda reminds us, is vital to be in perfect flow with all we shall experience to help our growth.
At a physical level, my Guides invite us to focus on our first chakra during this time, clearing timelines we are still anchored in, familiar/genetic/epigenetic patterns and programs that still attach us to the old, working on becoming more grounded, as only by being grounded on earth, in our present moment, is that we can create our future.
Our etheric body, especially our tailbone or coccyx, is where our embryonic programming resides, with all the familiar, inherited baggage we came here. Transcending our three-dimensional chakras is what will allow us to fully anchor ourselves into the Soul dimensions, where many of you are now stepping into or already dwelling.
The etheric body and first chakra are essential to start healing and building our light body. As you know, our coccyx is connected to the kundalini energy, hara or silver cord, and pineal gland. When we heal our etheric body we allow our DNA to start healing, as well as the reconnection of our light body. We need to start by our foundations, shifting everything we are not, to get to the upper realms.
At a soul level, many of you may be feeling that your personal and planetary mission is shifting, as you too change from within. As you move into a higher frequency everything needs to be readjusted. Let it be, flow, surrender, and embrace the shift. Remember that you are always doing your mission by your Presence on Earth and unique blueprint.
Many times you will need to move into a phase in which taking care of yourself and integrating the change you are undergoing is the most important mission you need to do at the time.
Trust that Forces and Beings are guiding you towards what is best for you. Trust that the Universe is One with you, and it is never against your desires and well-being. It is often us who create more suffering by resisting what shall be.
Emotional breakthroughs are a result of soul fragmentation, or being immersed in a profound personal transition. Then, apart from the psychological tools you may be guided to work on soul retrieval, and soul realignment through strengthening your silver cord, creating more balance at all levels, to support yourself during these phases.
Rejoice in all your experiences, as Guides invites us to do always, for wherever you are is where you need to be for you to continue evolving, and assisting others through your resilience and way-showing.
All is always occurring in a perfect way for All. Our mission is to ask for the strength, wisdom and love to face all the challenges – opportunities – that come to test our patience, self-mastery, and compassion.
May you remember your strength, wisdom, and the power of retrieving joy, during this transitional time, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,