by Judith Kusel
New Earth Manifestation
I am realizing that we have stepped into a totally new life in a much higher dimensional state and we now need to constantly aware what we think, what we say or write, or radiate out, and what we do, and how we do it, or do not do it.
I was really challenged at the beginning of this week, as I was informed of things which would happen this month, which would literally push me totally out of my comfort zones. It basically meant that of all the intense noise of jackhammers above my home (they are the worst things mankind ever invented for it is not just the noise but the terrible vibrations). So I need a temporary place to work from during the day.
I am firstly on this planet to render loving service and this I affirm every single day, and this is not just applicable to me, but to every single one of you. Now what to do. I have a very full schedule and already fully booked for months ahead.
I purposefully that night, decided to put this to the Divine, and my whole Ascended Master teams, plus Archangels etc. and then was told to get specific. Where would I truly love to work, (environment, place, etc.) away from my home. I went deeply into my soul and then started getting very specific and even envisioning what it would look like, being like, and even being able to be near water, where I can see and hear the birds, with trees, etc. Then I released it, with the words, “Or something even better and more amazing than this.”
The latter is something that an Australian friend taught me, who belonged to Bahar faith, and it has been a tool I have been using since then.
For I have learned that we so often LIMIT ourselves with our own beliefs of what is possible and what is impossible, yet the Universe is limitless. And the Divine wishes to bestow upon us so much more than we could even imagine at this time, of new birth, rebirth and transfiguration!
We need to get past our own limitations, in thinking, in believing, and in stepping with faith into the totally unknown.
The first place was a no go, I looked into. And when I went on Google, because it is still peak holiday here until April and summer, it seemed quite a task. I was too exhausted yesterday at the end of the day, even to try. Again, I left it in higher hands and surrendered.
This morning the most perfect place has manifested, exactly as I had envisioned it, and even better than I could ever have imagined and with the help of my dearly appreciated Secretary, and with the help of my cosmic teams. It is truly a Miracle! I am so grateful!
To me this was another lesson that we now need to truly allow the unfolding of a totally new and much higher way of life, without tripping ourselves up in the process.
There are no limitations anymore of what is possible and what is impossible!
And more than this, the Divine and the whole cosmic teams are now asking us to transcend the old and to step into the totally new, unexplored, unchartered, yet familiar to our souls and far better than anything we could ever imagine right now!
So remember when you wish to manifest or pray for something to always add: “And something even better and more amazing than this, in the highest and best ways for all concerned.”
Then release it all in higher hands.
Divine Will and my Will are One and the Same.