by Nicky Hamid
Embracing Our “Younger” Warriors of Light
So you are having trouble understanding your teenagers and young adults.
They are Aquarians.
They have come here not to discover your truth but to experience their own.
They have come into a reality hologram and see immediately that the old fading version makes no sense to them.
They have come with an underlining clarity of being that brings them continually into the focus of an unwillingness to participate in the sham of “normalcy” and pain when they do.. Fantasy (eg computer games) and pleasures that may heighten their senses or numb the mind are all reflections of their unwillingness to participate in the old reality.
They have come to lay bare the hypocrisy and illusion.
They are passionate and single minded, mostly unafraid to step into darkness and mess with the macabre and thus at times seem to be traveling into deep shadow realms..
So what can we do?
We can hold the vision and knowing of who they are.
Starseeds with the warrior capacity to cut through the illusion, the “bullshit”, the belief systems that have imprisoned us all.
Beings on a mission.
Hold that knowing and space for them. Honor their journey. You cannot make it for them. You cannot save them from themselves. They do not need it, and as you may have experienced, they do not want it.
They are perfectly capable of walking the journey that their Being has prepared for them, even though at times it seems painful and hopeless to you.
Hold your ground, your Love and a Space for them to make their own way. How and when they take their Power of Truth is up to them. LOVE them vehemently, Passionately but set them Free to Be.
Aquarians desire wholeheartedly to experience in the NOW. And if we are to do anything for them it would be to provide them with more open opportunities to experience themselves in New Ways.
They will find themselves in that experiencing.
Your own joy in your experience is the most powerful way you can touch them. Let them see who YOU really are and then they will have a more accurate measure to gauge their own flight back into themselves when they are ready.
Through your great Love and honour for them. They will feel SEEN. Then it will be easy and relatively quick for them when they make their move to their LIGHT.
Simply Shine.
I So Love You
PS: Many in the older generation will also recognize much of this description as themselves. All the more reason to be able to hold the space for our beautiful younger ones.
And perhaps they are present in your life, not so much to learn from you, but to present you with “gifts” of the deepening of your own Heart and your Knowing of what your Compassion can allow.
The Truth of really “setting them free”.