Just what I thought would happen is happening.
I was I watching a video in which the commentator was having problems explaining what happened to the DNC, where its reform edge had gone, and why the public at large has moved over to the conservatives. … And the commentators were having difficulty.
In my opinion, the public didn’t move over to the conservatives. Far from it.
As I see it, the population moved over to the reformers, who left the Democratic Party because too many of its members were serving the deep state. They found shelter with the Republicans and are now encountering that party’s deep-state members’ objections.
But the walkaways are reformers, not conservatives. And the conservatives are, well, conservatives and not necessarily reformers. The two of them will have to come to some sort of accommodation. And I predict they will.
Everything fits somewhere on a spectrum, right? Positive, neutral, negative?
So you can see this situation on a spectrum as a shotgun marriage if you’re a dyed-in-the-wool anti-Trumpist or you can see it as a big-tent, welcoming home, which conservatives have shared with beseiged reformers. Both unite in opposing the Democrats, but in many cases for different reasons.
May I widen the lens a bit and look at a more general situation?
The folks who insist on hating – it doesn’t really matter what they hate – are passing up:
- The chance to leave this vale of tears forever (1) and move up the dimensional ladder where the love that flows freely, as I can vouch for, (2) is truly the reward for every nice thing you ever said or did to anyone, lifetimes out of mind. It is spectacular.
- A life lived with relationships that work, with people who reciprocate, challenged by a plethora of opportunities, from space travel to creating new plant species.
- The experience within yourself of complete fulfilment and satisfaction, with an endless wealth of love to give, wanting only love in return.
BUT it IS a freewill planet. You gets to choose.
You don’t have to come along. You will, eventually, of course. The journey itself is laid on, not optional. (3)
Interestingly, I got to see both sides of the picture. I grew up with a violent father and emerged a kamikaze for justice. In the underworld of my mind, I matured into a troll under the bridge.
Then I bumped into an archangel in 2011 and began to emerge from this craziness. (4)
Fast forward and, at the other end of the spectrum, in the course of all this, I’ve experienced the love of the higher dimensions and, brother, I assure you, leave your bags behind; you won’t need anything else. (5)
You will find, I predict, that, after you’re swept clean by a higher-dimensional tsunami of love (as you will be) or are marvelling at being the only “thing” in an Ocean of Love, (6) love turns out to be everything you were looking for.
Every pleasure you ever pursued? You’ll find that your desire for it has been extinguished, sublimated into, fulfilled by the experience of what I call “transformative” love, what Patricia Diane Cota-Robles calls “transfigurative” love.
Once love begins to arise from the opened heart, whether in a trickle or an endless flow, desire itself is whittled down to only: “More love please.”
The Mother said that I’d be rattling on about love. (7) I don’t see how anyone could do otherwise. Love fills the bill.
What would you rather have? All the gold in the world or love?
Easy peasy. Love. Because then I’d feel the same as if I had all the gold in the world – without the bother.
It’s a no-brainer as everyone will see in the Ring of Fire and/or Ascension. (8)
(1) See Gateway to Higher Dimensionality Vol. 1: Introduction to Ascension at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Gateway-to-Higher-Dimensionality-V1-R8-Intro.pdf
(2) See Love Like we Never Imagined It to Be at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Love-Like-We-Never-Imagined-It-to-Be-R15.pdf
(3) On the one same journey that all of us take, see “Chapter 13. Epilogue” in The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Purpose-of-Life-is-Enlightenment-5.pdf
(4) I had a lucid dream in which I saw a woman around 200 yards away and the minute we saw each other, we rushed to each other and embraced. To make a long story short, I went to a medium, Linda Dillon, and there met my twin flame, Annastara. One reading was not enough. I had to have a second. At the second, Linda said, you’re going to enjoy this, Steve. Someone wants to talk to you. And it was Archangel Michael. There followed ten years and 2300 pages of readings, which I treasure.
(5) Again: Love Like We Never Imagined It to Be, ibid.
(6) On the tsunami of love, see “Submerged in Love,” March 14, 2015, in An Ascension Ethnography – Part 1/2 at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/An-Ascension-Ethnography-5.pdf, and after.
On the Ocean of Love see “Point of Awareness in an Ocean of Love – Part 1/2,” November 20, 2020, in An Ascension Ethnography, ibid.
(7) Divine Mother: You have chosen long long ago with Me, with Annastara [my twin flame], with ME KI AL, to be a communicator and an agent of change.
You have said to me, “Mother, what if they forget? I will remind them. I will communicate with them through words, through my passion, through my heart, through my knowing. I will communicate the love to them.”
This is your task and it is a task of change as this planet, in this great chaos, in flux, chooses, yes, by this wonderful instrument of free will, … and, as you choose, to simply be the love. (Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, April 30, 2019.)
(8) See:
- Gateway to Higher Dimensionality Vol. 1: Introduction to Ascension, ibid.
- The Ring of Fire, Wave of Love Compilation at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Ring-of-Fire-Wave-of-Love-Compilation-8-1.pdf