In the past month, one of the unheralded victories is that the politics of hate has taken a great hit.
Talk shows who pedalled hate-based, divisive misinformation and disinformation are now being held accountable for the damage they did.
Celebrities who made a profit from hating are now being excluded from studios. Woke culture is being cast down, the good, the bad, and the ugly.
There’s a wave of revulsion against extremism. And I want to underline that. Not against left or right, black or white, Israeli or Palestinian. But against extremism.
The United States is a microcosm as well as a world leader. Right now it’s beset by extremism of kinds that were not even dreamed of in our worst Hollywood fright flicks. Every day is gripping.
Lightworkers are contributing their light and love to keep the temperature down. But every one of us has an ante in this game.
We here at GAoG are highlighting areas of engagement, Light and dark, and trying to uncover the truth of reported events (Does any action that actor Arthur Roberts (“Joe Biden”) takes have any legal validity? The pardons? Does any of it matter since both Joe and Hunter Biden are reliably said to be dead? Who else would Arthur Roberts be replacing?)
What is the truth? we ask ourselves, and does it matter?
But for us to continue, we must appeal to you for our monthly food and shelter. I believe we have around a quarter of our monthly minimum target left to go and the rent collector remorselessly ready to call on us.
If you have disposable income after this yearly time of good cheer and the desire to help us, please walk over to the Hope Chest and grace us with a one-time or monthly gift to keep us in our warm homes and fed.
What an amazing year it’s been and next year will get crazier and better, I firmly believe. Thank you for taking us with you by donating to the blog’s upkeep. And thank you for coming along with us on this journey, some of you for fifteen years.
Happy New Year, with love to one and all from all of us.
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