by Nicky Hamid
A dear Friend wrote this very perceptive message about a posting I made on loving unconditionally:
“There is s big part of me whining here…… but, but, but. There are people that I Love and wish well but never want to see again. I don’t know how to be that choice and BE Love In Action indiscriminately and unconditionally. I have felt Blah for days. I have always struggled with this dilemma, I do not know (the whining…do not want) how to proceed through this, past this. Past past past, I don’t want my past to be my present or my future, but am I actually dragging it along with me by having this mind-set. Mind-set. That is the problem. My heart says you can Love yet walk away, my mind says that is not Loving “.
My comment:
WE become very discerning about the company we keep.
As HUman we have preferences
Whenever there is a choice then I choose not to be in the company of many.
I can Love them but I know the energies I prefer to be Present within me.
It is vital that we become attuned the what energies and frequencies we align to.
To Love Fearlessly means to Love regardless of circumstance but it also means to be very clear that we are choosing to never be “put off” from our Heart Knowing. To suppress , deny, or ignore what maintains our own Love frequencies.
Do we have to Like being with a person in order to Love who they are in Essence?
I don’t think so.
Are you unloving to prefer not to be with certain others?
I don’t think so.
Another false”spiritual” narrative perhaps?
We can, and are, always free to be discerning without judgement of worth.
Truth is Heart Knowing.
Love of Self and Creation excludes nobody.
Freedom in being HUman includes the right to choose whatever we prefer without prejudice (or harm) to ourselves or others.
Shine On.
I So Love YOU
PS: In these times so much Shadow ’secrets’ are being exposed to everyone, both in their personal life, and the Collective consciousness.
We each, as sovereign beings, are learning to discern what is ours and what is not.
The only way to do this is to GO WITHIN and ask ourselves constantly “ What do I prefer and what is it that I no longer tolerate in my auric field”. THIS IS A CENTRAL PART OF LOVING YOURSELF.
It is an amazing and quite individualised and specific personal training you are going through on how to stay in your Heart and maintain your highest state of wellbeing.
Others either wittingly or unwittingly dump their fears on you. This is what ”shadow” thrives on.
Love.unconditionally but remain steadfast in your journey to live in the truth of your conscious choices to Love. To become the LOVE THAT YOU ARE.
Towards the ONE Dear Hearts.