Judith Kusel
When all has been said
And done…
When we have, as souls,
Completed our life’s mission and purpose
On Earth,.
When we served as best as we could
To ascend into the The New Earth
And anchor in The New Golden Age
And return to our true cosmic home
And are asked by the those who were not here
And the Prime Creator,
“What has been
The greatest of all soul lessons to master
And to hold steady while we were here?”
I know my answer:
“To find Love and Joy everywhere
And to live it,
As best I can,
To sow seeds of Love,
Wisdom and Inspiration
Even in the midst
Of the darkest nights of the Soul,
As I realized more and more,
That there is only LOVE.
Love within.
Love without.
Love all about.
Yes, life on planet Earth
Is the greatest of all lessons,
In the fine art
Of keeping the heart open,
No matter what,
And to be Love, loving,
And to find Joy,
In doing and being
Love and Joy
And find it reflected everywhere.
In truth, all is One.”
Find your own truth, and live it with Love and Joy.