By Dr. Schavi M. Ali
When something is “upgraded”, it is made to function better — more efficiently, more powerfully.
For example, upgrades are constantly being made to various types of machinery and technological devices. Sometimes the upgrades to such devices are actually dangerous like in the proliferation of newer and newer cell phone capability as well as other kinds of technology (micro-wave ovens, certain types of televisions, lap-tops, computers, satellites in space, etc.) that have proven to be harmful to human health as they exude with more and more bad radiation — the kind that causes brain dysfunction and cancer in various parts of the physical vessel all of which mankind ignores in this era of so-called progress.
People want the technology regardless of its dangers, and when they learn of its dangers, they merely hope that it will not cause them harm.
After all, technology seems to be here to stay even though there are often glitches in its functioning that have to be corrected. Thus, modernity has come with a cost!
However, there is another type of “upgrade” that is allowing those who are aware of it to protect them from harm because they are made aware of how to deal with the harmful radiation waves such as those that come from positively-charging protons.
Yet, not only is a larger percentage of humanity beginning to question particular aspects of “modern” living on the material level, but they are also receiving spiritual waves of energy that are causing them to have a greater capability of understanding both intellectual and spiritual concepts — thus developing better cognition. Certain segments of humanity are also becoming more clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient.
They are also able to heal themselves and others via prayer and meditative focus on sending healing vibrational frequencies of LIGHT. They are becoming knowledgeable about very ancient Divine Principles that have been revealed throughout the entire cosmos—not just to Earth. Intuition is becoming profound. Physical cells are enveloping in LIGHT.
A network of bio-photons (LIFE LIGHT) is stretching-out and elongating DNA. Long-standing discomforting ailments are gradually being healed without conventional, allopathic, dangerous medical procedures.
The realization that all people have had traumatic histories and thus that all people need compassion is being realized. The desire to align with Nature and not to conquer it occurs.
There is a consciousness of love for animals and thus for protecting them instead of wearing their hides as fashion statements or slaughtering and devouring them for food.
These are just a few of the signs of being “upgraded”.
The “upgrades” do not happen overnight or very quickly.
They occur gradually as the cellular records are cleansed, some completely cleared out, and as new cells are created.
It has been known for centuries how human cells of organs, glands, and muscles automatically change at certain times. The material changing of cells is not a new subject scientifically.
However, the mystical, sacred, transformation of the cellular network — the reception of bio-photons as referred to above is a new idea for many — if not most — of humanity.
The concept of cells literally being seen as formations of LIGHT, and therefore, for molecular changes to steadily be made to humanity that will provide dimensional shifts is almost inconceivable.
As has been mentioned in previous teachings, it is like watching episodes of the popular television series “Star Trek” and the movies made later from that series.
However, ancient holy books refer to our coming future that is the “now” of many other civilizations in the cosmos. “Earthlings” have yet far to go, and this is why certain concepts seem to be just fanciful notions or science fiction.
We are, however, in a space/time continuum of dramatic “re-birth” that, as stated above, is inconceivable to most people.
Birthing takes time.
There is first fertilization, then gestation for a particular period of time, then finally, there is an exit from the birth canal. Each step is laborious—more for some than for others. Our planet — and creation upon “Her” — has been fertilized, is steadily gestating, and birth into a “New Golden Age” is on the horizon. Being “upgraded” is receiving new LIGHT CODES, and thus, being “IN AND OUTER LIGHTED”.
With every deep breath being taken, we are receiving oxygen, but we are also receiving tremendous amounts of LIGHT — if we remain dedicated to obtaining the HIGHER VIBRATIONS of SOURCE.
There is still a choice as to whether a person wants to “upgrade” or not.
With choice comes experiences. As events play-out on our planet, we will know who has chosen to “upgrade” or not.
We will know where LIGHT is most powerful.