by Natalie Glasson
Greetings to you beloved beacons of light, I am Master Kuthumi. It is an honor to bring forth my joy, my wisdom and my love to be present with you today.
Today I wish to speak of alignment. In every given moment, you are aligning yourself and your energy to a certain aspect/expression of the Creator.
There is a need to align yourself with your own inner truth; your soul/Soul Group/Creator. While this alignment is always present, it is a very powerful purpose and process to focus upon your alignment with your truth and to ask your entire being to align itself with the most appropriate truth within your being, as well as asking your entire being to align itself with your soul/Soul Group/Creator.
When you invite your entire being to align itself, you are inviting every cell/thought/emotion/aspect/creation of your being to align itself; to become as one with your inner essence/truth/soul/Soul Group/Creator.
This creates a tremendous grounding within your being. It also allows you to experience the divine flow/divine perfection; allowing everything to flow with greater ease – allowing your truth to flow through you. It also means if there are any aspects of your being that feel out of balance, this is a wonderful and easy way to bring yourself back into harmony and balance.
If you are experiencing any form of chaos, whether it is within your reality/mind/body/emotions, you can achieve this process to allow you to access a greater sense of peace and to allow you to experience/gain/claim what you need from your divine essence/your soul/Soul Group/Creator, bringing all that you need and all that is appropriate into your reality for you to claim/experience/exist as.
I, Master Kuthumi, encourage you to achieve this in the coming days. After achieving it for four or five days, you will notice a difference within your being; within your thoughts and within your emotions. You might find that you are calmer, that things are clearer. You might feel more content/grounded/centred.
It is a wonderful process to achieve and it doesn’t take very long. You can achieve it as many times as you wish throughout the day or you can simply achieve it once.
I, Master Kuthumi, also wish to speak about alignment in a different way.
Imagine every expression of the Creator; all those sacred qualities/expressions that are within the Creator’s universe and also expressed through humans/guides/animals. Within everything that is a manifestation from the Creator, we can see each expression as an alignment.
Imagine that you meet someone and they are full of energy – they have vigour and vitality – maybe for life, and maybe you feel you need some of this. You would recognise that Creator quality within their being.
Rather than aligning to them, you can ask for your entire being to be aligned to the Creator’s energy of vigour/vitality and allow yourself to experience this energy because it will be activated from within your being. It will also flow over and through you.
You can achieve this throughout your day. Maybe recognise the tranquil vibrations in nature as you are walking through the forest. You can ask to align your entire being to the tranquil vibrations of the Creator.
With this technique you can deliver to yourself and claim what you require/what you need, in each moment.
If you feel that your health is suffering, then you could align yourself to the perfect health of the Creator. You don’t even need to acknowledge or experience the energy flowing through you. It is simply the intention.
This acts as a very powerful gift for you. Over the coming days, whatever you are experiencing, whatever is occurring within the world, you have this ability/technique to support yourself tremendously and to bring forth new aspects of your being, to live a fuller and more fulfilling life upon the earth.
I, Master Kuthumi, invite you to align your entire being to whatever feels appropriate. Please enjoy this experience.
My love is with you always.
I thank you.
I am Master Kuthumi