December 13, 2024, via email
During the 12:12 portal, I was shown an energetic corridor that those who choose to enter are entering. This sacred passageway will transport us to a new energetic frequency bandwidth. As we embody this vibrational frequency more and more in our inner reality, our outer reality will change.
I was shown that the energetic corridor is like a cosmic washing machine. It will soak, agitate, and spin us, clearing out what can no longer be sustained in the new frequency bandwidth and bringing it all to the surface.
This corridor will show us the incredible inversion and distortion of our reality. We have collectively accepted manipulation, as it’s always been part of our reality. Now, we are questioning and examining everything.
As the cosmic washing machine turns and spins, we will see many things that will point to the collective shadow being exposed. Yet, the utmost importance is to turn the light inward to examine our inner shadows, the hidden spots within.
As we bring our light (consciousness) to our shadows (unconsciousness), we come into greater reconciliation with this experience and with ourselves. The shadow is our blind spot. By illuminating what is hidden deep within us, we will then be able to come from a place of greater clarity, understanding, and love for ourselves and for each other.
This is a necessary step as we work to remove all the ways that we pretended to be separate from our Soul, the Earth, and from Source. We will begin to understand more and more how our reality is a micro of the macro. It will change our perceptions, and lead to greater empowerment and embodiment.
Some entered this corridor earlier this week when the 12:12 portal opened. The energy waves would roll through, often creating feelings of discomfort, anxiety, overwhelm, and crankiness. Those feelings would lessen, but wherever there was an energy blockage, I noticed it became a site of physical discomfort as the wave moved through.
When this happens, connect with your body’s painful or weak spots. Each location has something to teach you. Bodywork (massage, Reiki, etc.) is beneficial, as is gentle stretching and movement. It becomes HEALING when combined with your conscious connection and desire to understand it, instead of pushing it away.
As we go through the cosmic washing machine, we feel pushed, pulled, and stretched. The things that are no longer working will become more obvious, or disappear. The more we allow things to float away, the more we align with ourselves and our next steps.
We may find ourselves triggered, and experiencing a resurgence of old but unhealed wounds. Like an onion, we do also have many layers. Now is the opportunity to see deeper into them, to get to the root. We have the greater capacity to see bigger pictures now and to put concepts together, connecting the dots. That expanded view will allow us to heal, and move through the density of our incarnations.
This next period of time will test us on many levels. Now is a good time to look at your coping mechanisms. What routines, habits, and rituals have helped you thus far on your journey? Write them down and post them in a visible location as a reminder.
It will also be important to stay connected with the people in your life that support you. It doesn’t matter if it is an internet friend or the neighbor across the street. We need connection and communion with like-minded individuals.
My team explained that many will feel lost and disconnected. This is because the foundation in which they’ve anchored their existence into no longer exists.
Now, we must anchor into ourselves, into our center, cultivating this space as our home and sanctuary. Our connection to ourselves on all levels and to Source now becomes the foundation.
Sending you all lots of love,