by Judith Kusel
Cosmic Moments
We are in a phase where the cosmic inbreath and outbreath are intensifying, which is bringing a total shift in our experiences and perceptions of life, in general.
As the Split intensifies between the old and new Earth, and with accelerated dimensional shift, multi-dimensionality now becomes the norm. There will be moments now when you experience this intensely, as your own remote viewing abilities now come to the fore, and you realize that physicality is indeed but a tiny fraction of life, and that the soul has no limits and can simultaneously present on multiple dimensional levels.
The Yogis in India have known this for ages. This is why their yogis, as recorded in Yogananda’s biography, can bilocate, can levitate and in more ancient times were recorded to be able to fly, while levitating.
The Tibetan monks still knew how to use sound to levitate huge rocks – the list goes on an on.
I always had a quest for wishing to know beyond the beyond and never been afraid to ask questions, knowing the Universe would always provide answers, and I have had to read, many books, which I would never normally read, or had to help people with research, and this has brought open-mindedness and a deep knowing, that there is more to the earth, and all existence, than meets the naked eye.
As Librarian I simply loved delving into Non-Fiction books, which reported such, and some of the books which I often had to review, or read, introduced me to multi-dimensionality, long before this was even known to many.
There are many pioneering and highly evolved souls who were later silenced – or ridiculed and even persecuted for even daring to publish and mention such things.
I always read everything I could lay my hands on, at that time, but now I am always asked by my higher guides, to use my own soul’s innate ability to tap into whatever I need to access universally and through the ineffable knowledge and gifts of my own soul. This is indeed a journey of exploration in its own right. Yet, one needs quietude, stillness and the quest for delving deeper within oneself.
The greatest of all journeys of discovery, or rather rediscovery, are WITHIN. For your soul is infinite amplified by your monad, and this indeed means cosmic knowledge and even more via your own Ascended Masters and other Divine Sources.
Yet, this will now become the norm for those souls who are ascending into the New Earth. I have often had moments when I could do energy work remotely, and when I was shown things in multi-dimensional space, and to me this is nothing out of the ordinary, as I recorded in my books on Africa and France and with my Greece and Egypt books still in the making. Those who have been on tour with me know this.
It is only our limited mind and ego, which limit us.
The soul knows no limits and consciousness even more so.
The great mystics have always known this. This is why long hours were spent honing the soul’s abilities and to exercises to raise the consciousness levels, which link directly to the intuitive and inner knowing, as well as full uses of the Third Eye amplified by consciousness levels and embracing Divinity within.
This is why they had to go through stringent initiations, so that they could apply what they had mastered before the next level revealed itself.
We are in such a state of re-mastery now, re-member-ing and as we evolve, new possibilities open, and with it, higher and higher we rise!
What a time of exploration, expansion, and infinite possibilities.
What a time to raise the consciousness levels, and delve ever deeper into the unknown, yet deeply known!
For in truth, we are all masters – we just were shrunk into believing we were not as we were caught in the illusions of the Old Earth matrix.