by Nicky Hamid
Basic Love Coupling in the New HUman.
In the old attached love you have practiced, you placed conditions, contractual expectations of duty, and you expect the other to stand by these spoken or unspoken contracts and expectations, whether they feel love for you or not.
When you love yourself unconditionally you want for the other what they want for themselves and if what they want does not allow you to have what you want for yourself then it is time to walk on in your direction.
If the other does want you to have what you want then there is room for movement into mutual unconditional love, the dissolving of contracts based on obligation, and to independently come together each in your own time and manner.
There can be no pretense anymore.
You cannot love life in its fullness for you, when you are being true to yourself is dependent upon the behavior and beliefs of another, no matter how close and attached you have been.
Love of Self and the navigation of our life from Within and our own Heart Knowing comes first.
No more secrets, no more lies.
I So Love You
PS: And this is coming up for all our relationships.
It can no longer be shoved undercover …back down into your subconsciousness for another time.
Your body won’t allow it.
The coming in of more of You requires it to leave.
How deep are you willing to go in Loving and honoring Yourself and your Soul Call?