by Natalia Alba
Beloved Ones,
As we continue our trajectory to our new timeline, our planet is also experiencing the same galactic memory-clearing process. It is an important transition for all of us as One organism, as we are literally wiping out inorganic timelines, continuing to stabilize the organic fifth-dimensional ones.
Many of you are galactic bridges, new earth’s anchors whose main mission at this precise time is to act as conduits to bridge our 3D earth to our 5D one, so the souls who are choosing now to step into it can already co-create in that new harmonic dimension. You were born with the time codes of each dimension activated to be able to fulfill your mission of being a living bridge, facilitating the current planetary transition.
You came to this world being not of this world, having to learn how to navigate between both or more dimensions, which has a profound impact on your physical body, as your mental body may feel the confusion of the many timelines you live in.
During this time of great distraction, but also of profound love and soul reunions, many of you are now focused on precisely descending and anchoring the fifth timelines into our earth’s grids, where allowed, so the ascending souls can realign, reconnect, and embody this frequency.
Your task is supported by Venusians, our Guardians, the Auroras, and many other beings who are now leading this planetary transition.
You are cherished, highly respected, and honored by All of us and All Creation.
We All are grateful for your mission, as it is not easy at all to be constantly navigating between two opposite frequencies.
Be aware of the many consciousness traps at this time to impede your mission. Remember the many light companions who facilitate your mission and accompany you in it, of the love, light, and strength you possess to continue being a beacon in the dark, for you never walk alone on the role you fulfill on the planet.
Today, Venus and Ceres join Pluto entering Aquarius, supporting the liberation in consciousness that the collective is also undergoing, the shift from duality and unlove to a more compassionate space. Our mission as ascending souls is to hold the space for all of them from a neutral and compassionate witnessing space, for we have to allow them to fulfill their choices and lessons as free sovereign beings.
Holding space for others and our beloved planet is what helps in the galactic memory clearing that is taking place now and that many of you, apart from your personal timelines clearing process, are experiencing.
A phase of profound galactic wars, timelines collapse clearing, and monadic retrieval, in which you will experience the fall of many timelines, such as Lemurian Atlantis, Cathar-Essene, and Sumerian-Egyptian being unified within yourselves, for we not only need to clear our personal timelines but all the parallel timelines we have lived, and that we still carry within our DNA galactic memory storage.
As you pass through this clearing, your heart will expand, and so will your body, feeling the expansion especially in your joints, as your bone structure becomes less rigid, and dense, and in your nervous system, which is why it is so important to work with it, to keep it balanced and calm, as ascension cannot occur within an over-excited sympathetic nervous system, as it will fight all light transmissions, as if it was in danger, impeding the proper embodiment of all we are now integrating to shift our bodies.
Be loving and caring with yourselves and your bodies during density emancipation. Many times we need to shift ascension techniques, or our daily practices, as well as physical exercises, as the body may not bear the intensity of many exercises anymore.
Many of you will too feel the tremendous shift in your relationships, as you reconnect to your monad, clear and activate it, and move into more balanced relationships. It is time to let go, without guilt, and regrets, just with absolute gratitude to all the souls who have helped us become who we are now. It is in our nature to be in a constant state of embracing and letting all go, we never really let go of anyone, for we are all one.
Our mission is not to remain attached to what has become stagnant and has fulfilled its purpose, but to bless it and our reunions, opening our hearts to what comes now to help us embody a higher wisdom.
It is not until we let go that we integrate higher levels of Consciousness, as ascension is precisely the process in which our Consciousness retrieves its ability to travel and maneuver within parallel timelines.
Allow love to move through you, it is who you are, it is not until you fully open your heart that you can retrieve freedom and start moving into higher levels of Consciousness, reconnecting to your true nature and retrieving all the wisdom you carry within, hidden with the illusion of who you are not.
It is time Beloveds to become the precious Divine Seeds that you are.
Within Infinite Love,