December 3, 2024, via email
Everything has sped up. We are being inundated with Solar Activity, Weather Events, and Personal & Collective Upheaval. It is a lot for us to process on all levels.
Recently, Spirit woke me in the early hours for a conversation. It was shared with me that we are in a significant and sacred time. We are in the PULL back! As I talked with my team, I asked questions to understand what was happening. They often helped me by showing me pictures.
I was shown a giant wave. This wave was pulling all the water out to sea and building tremendous power. It was a massive tsunami, and when it had pulled all the water in, it crashed onto the land.
I asked if this is a literal tsunami and was told no, it is energetic.
They explained that the pulling out of the water (energy) to create the big wave is us reconciling our experience. It is the energy from past lives, parallel universes, soul aspects, and multiple timelines.
This is the time of coming home within.
These aspects of us are coming back home, back to our internal zero point.
When this wave is done building, it will come forward with incredible momentum.
Right now, we are inhaling; when that is done, we will exhale and EXPAND!
This is incredible news, but that does not mean this time is easy.
As these aspects return home, many are experiencing anxiety, sadness, despondency, and physical pain. Wounds are being triggered so that we may heal and reconcile them, and boundaries are being tested.
We are seeing so much of the illusion crumble out there and within ourselves. We are coming face to face with our shadow and where we have given away our power. Everything is happening to show us where we are holding programs, patterns, and emotions that keep us separated from ourselves and Source. All of this can be quite overwhelming, and it can lead us to numb out and disconnect.
This process can feel messy. We may find ourselves caught in thought loops, overwhelmed by deep emotions, and feeling lost and discouraged. Our ego, wounded child, and shadow aspects can be particularly resistant to these energies. There might be a deep internal fear of change or transformation, as these aspects fear expansion, even though growth is necessary.
I watched as the wave grew to an incredible size; some were surfing the wave, some were doing their best to keep their head above water, and some were being completely tumbled about. The wave crested to unfathomable heights and began barreling toward the shore. I watched as it completely covered the land. As the water started to recede, I watched some gain their footing and run further inland. They were shouting with joy and excitement. Spirit explained that they were off to create the new.
I saw many standing on the shore, staring into the water. As I followed their line of sight, I saw people still in the water. The wave wasn’t enough to push them in.
Spirit said to me, “Watch closely.” I saw a person throw out a floating life ring; a person in the water grabbed it and could swim to shore.
Then I watched as another ring was thrown. It was a great throw and landed right next to a struggling person, but they refused to grab it. The one who threw the ring was yelling and frustrated, but the person in the water could not hear him. He entered the water to save the person, and as soon as he was knee-deep in the water, he was swept back out.
Spirit told me that it is essential that each person understands that they may assist, but they cannot go back into the water. Otherwise, they will then need to fight to make it back in, and the potential for drowning is high.
We need to have compassionate boundaries. We can throw a life ring for someone to grab onto, but they must grab it and swim.
It was explained that many of us are experiencing lessons in energetic and physical boundaries with others now so that we do not let ourselves be pulled back into the water when the wave crashes down.
I then asked when the wave would be coming, and they told me that it was building right now. When the wave has built enough momentum, it will come in, taking us with it.