by Judith Kusel
As we step into a whole new creation, on the New Earth, more higher aspects of Creation are being reactivated on multiple levels now.
I was made very aware of the Sun Discs now emitted from Solar Sun as well as the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, that the 72 octaves of sound are being returned, and as these then start to fully anchor in, it is causing all energy and energy systems to resonate with these.
I was shown how, all which cannot hold the increased sound frequencies will not be able to exist in the New Earth.
It is so that we will feel this intensely now as the old and new are splitting increasingly apart, and with the increased higher heart activations this brings, we are being tuned into the higher levels of Christ/Buddha consciousness, especially in December 2024 and then escalating into 2025.
All sound frequencies and vibrations, work in tandem with the Light and so it is that this is activating a deep remembrance within our souls, as our soul songs awaken and we have access to soul talents, abilities, and so much more, as our creative centers are fully activated, the Divine Feminine within.
She holds the Cosmic sound but also the Cosmic Creative force within her, for she birthed all of creation.
All of this is the return of the Age of Love and Miracles.
All abiding love.
When we are held in the All-abiding love of the Divine within us and all around us, our heart torus energy fields expand, and this enables us to now tune into all sentient being’s heart centers as well.
As we become increasingly heart-tuned-in, we will be able to communicate at far greater levels, heart to heart, soul to soul, as the expanded heart center expands the faculties of the Third Eye and Crown even more.