by Celia Fenn
Yesterday, when many people were focussed on the election in the USA, my American friend and I decided to take a whale watching trip in the Bay. It was a great decision. first of all, we never left the area in front of my home, the first picture, because for a few weeks there has been a small pod of Humpback whales that has taken up residence in our bay. Local wisdom is that there is a rich source of food near the harbour wall and so they hang around.
We saw many whales surface all around us.
But for me the best was when a whale came under the boat and surfaced right next to me. What a thrilling event! Humpbacks don’t stay long so it surfaced and then went down again. But even the captain of the boat said that the whale came to me! I felt the usual “whale buzz” that I get in close contact with whales, but also a deep peace and love.
The Planet is filled with Fire/Sunlight and Water, and on this day, wind as well. These are the elements that provide a matrix for a new creation. Everything was bright and magical and filled with absolute wonder.
No matter what happens, the planet is on track to express its Ascension into Higher Consciousness.
Welcome to the Magical world of creativity (fire) and flow (water) and new creations. Welcome to your own creativity and new creations.
Never lose the Joy!