At last we have someone in the highest office in America ready, willing, and able to turn back the flood of … I can only call it evil … that has raged over the land … the world … in recent years. (1)
President Trump already has his pathway cleared internationally. His leadership in the world was a settled matter before the election.
I’m willing to bet that if the United States had turned Donald Trump down as president, he might in a year’s time be occupying an office of considerable influence in the United Nations. (He still may, after his tenure as President.)
Michael told me years ago that the United Nations would be cleaned up and reformed. (2) I predict we’ll see Donald Trump there in not many years, after a thorough house-cleaning and after his term(s) as President.
In the meantime, I expect every kind of effort from the deep state to put roadblocks in whatever initiative President Trump introduces to take the deep-state machine apart.
And I also expect their efforts to weaken and weaken over time, because of the impact of the rising energies on decent people and on dark hats.
Hence the emergency broadcasts are not just for America, but for the whole world. Trump in place, I surmise that the rest is ready to go.
Ten days of broadcasts, emerging with GESARA/NESARA in place, the Reval occurring, the existence of our star family confirmed, and Planet Earth enters a new era and a Golden Age.
I’m ready. Are you ready?
Because, ready or not, here we go!
(1) I’ve celebrated with … a book! You’re welcome to download This Time the Big Hurt will End at
(2) Steve: Alrght. So that I can prepare myself, can you tell me where I will predominantly be? ….
AAM: You will keep a home in Vancouver. You will predominantly be in New York. Much of this is going to come under a very broad, expanded umbrella of the United Nations. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 16, 2011.) (Hereafter AAM.)
Steve: Now the United Nations… I have this thought these days that they’re corrupt.
AAM: That would be a misunderstanding. There are pockets of corruption. There are pockets of self-interest but think about what we are saying.
There are many within what you think of as the front lines of this organization that have committed themselves to making this world a unified, better place to live.
These individuals are not corrupt. These individuals are part of those millions of people that we say are stepping forward. So, you will not be led to the corruption. It will be sliced out of the equation. (AAM, April 19, 2017.)