by Pam Gregory
We’re building towards the Annular Solar Eclipse on October 2nd at 10°02′ Libra, so see where this big New Moon falls in your chart and don’t forget to set a new intention for what you want to manifest in that ‘house’ area of life.
October is likely to be dramatic and eventful on the world stage. Firstly, Eclipse season usually brings with it the potential for extreme weather and seismic activity; this is a theme that will continue for the next 2-3 years, with Uranus in Taurus (the Earth) and Neptune in Pisces (seas, flooding) both at the anaretic degrees of their signs from now into 2026. Uranus is also linked to high winds, and a very important aspect for 2025 and 2026, Saturn (lack, scarcity) conjunct Neptune (water) can be linked to drought. This is all linked to Gaia going through her own upgrade too, and we must learn to work in greater harmony with her.
We may see some important developments in the Royal Family too. King Charles has cancer, and he currently has transiting Pluto square his Moon (0° Tarurus), which suggests intense emotions concerning critical health as the Moon in his chart rules the 12th house. Also he has Solar Arc Saturn conjunct his Sun, which rules his health axis (Ascendant-Descendant axis). These aspects are active now and continue through early 2025. Saturn can represent the ‘end of the matter’, especially in this context of his age and health. The monarchy is a Capricorn structure and Pluto is at the final degree of that sign in its 248 year orbit.
Today transiting Mars is exactly conjunct the Sun of the US in the chart set for 4th July 1776, 17.10 Philadelphia. The Sun here rules the 9th house of foreign relations. This conjunction will continue through the Solar Eclipse next week. Adding to that, transiting Jupiter will ‘station’ retrograde on October 9th within 2′ of exactitude (!) on the US Mars, in the 7th house of ‘open’ or known enemies. Jupiter tends to expand whatever it is aspecting. Mars rules the 4th house of the ‘land’, the ‘home base’, in a country’s chart.
However in these coming times I feel that we need to step into greater co-creation mode with these energies. Yes the aspects to the US chart are very strongly assertive, but as humanity we have a big part to play here.
The Solar Eclipse is in Libra, the sign of peace and diplomacy. The prevailing astrology represents our sheet of music in this moment, but how as humanity are we going to play it? Are we going to increased the intensity, aggression and polarisation, or as we awaken with the new energies will we decide to stay in peace, meditate, have a greater sense of unity consciousness and all of humanity coming together? Be aware of the malleability of our reality, the invisibility of tomorrow, and the power we have to make it manifest differently and with greater peace.
Traditionally astrology may have felt more fated, but now especially with the discovery of the dwarf planets and the fact that the vast majority of humanity do not want war, that we can use our expanded consciousness of love to manifest the planetary patterns differently. This is incumbent on us as our spiritual responsibility and our mastery in these times.
So in the past we may have looked at the astrology of the moment as ‘this means that’, as defined by past historical cycles. But the past does not have to define our future. Our consciousness has expanded so that we can CHOOSE how these energies manifest more fully than ever. So please don’t get caught up in the drama and distractions of October. Remember that Pluto is in its last gasp at the final degree of Capricorn in its 248 year cycle and we expected this kind of high drama.
We are in paradigm-shattering times. That includes, I believe, how we use astrology. This is something I’m contemplating deeply at the moment, considering my own spiritual responsibility in translating astrological information. Whatever is shared, will it help to expand the consciousness of the reader or contract it? As a translator of this sacred subject, can I begin to share it at a higher level? I believe the messages of the dwarf planets are leading the way here, but am aware that our entire understanding of the cosmos may be undergoing a revolution too.
It’s quite a ride. So please stay calm, peaceful, in kindness, compassion and love as far as you are able, particularly through the rest of 2024. Then we will most certainly be playing the music at its highest expression, and for the greatest good for Earth and humanity.
Lock onto love as your docking station.