by Nicky Hamid
The Great Shining is Here
You have come such a long way. You are here and you need no longer fear that you could ever go back.
You are mastering the worlds of darkness. Loving it to total inclusion. Into inclusion as the side that Light had not been. And you are leaving your mark of light wherever you have gone.
You are coming fully at Home with yourself here, aligning fully with Gaia, and now it is only a matter of believing this totally, and living exactly how you feel it. How your self-honesty reveals your way to more You moment by moment.
Breathe it all in as you anchor your fullness with Earth in your body and Knowing, and in that infinitesimal moment between breath sequence, you are One in Source.
In the letting go of all limitation, the out breath becomes an expansion of Love drawn from the subtle God
Force behind the breath. Your loving embrace as a flow in your Being through doing.
Shine On.
I So Love You
PS: And remember that it has been a terrible, unkind lie (of propaganda) for you to be afraid of Father Sun.
The Life Giving, Life Promoting waves of Cosmic Light stream through Him bathing and transmuting us All.
And in His present outpouring you will have noticed how His Flares of Fire and Transmutation, like a Dragons Breath, brings waves and days of bodily weakness and the need to rest and sleep.
Then afterwards days of vitality and aliveness, clarity, alignment and wellbeing.
And in Joy, this will not lessen but is accelerating.
So simply Flow with it. You asked for transformation and it is happening for Everyone.
There is no hiding anymore. It is time to fully surrender to this natural evolutionary process (the Law of your unfolding), and you will become more acclimatised to it.
So bless and honour Father Sun and go visit Him. Stand in His Fire for a brief moment and allow Him to shoot you into the worlds, waves, timelines, and Love through and beyond your present knowing.
My Cup overflows.
Thankyou, thankyou.