by Christine Day
Beloved ones we greet you,
Take moments in stillness within the Heart.
Open to receive the vastness of sacred blessings which are waiting to be bestowed back to you as you are ready to receive them through your Heart.
Through the receiving of these blessings, you take another step forward. This is a time of returning, a repositioning back to your own higher consciousness of being.
You are here to achieve this reawakening of yourself and now is the time for resurrection. This can happen in one moment, this is simply a shift, in one moment realignment to your higher consciousness which is fully intact just beyond the veil. A remembering!
You are destined to achieve resurrection in this lifetime.
Know that each moment spent within your Heart is accumulative. You radiate the pulse of this reconnection through each physical cell, moving deeper into a multidimensional metamorphic process.
Know that you are being realigned within a flow of your higher consciousness, day by day your frequency expands in light.
The ego mind cannot understand or monitor your true process, only your Heart plays the role as a guiding compass, moving you along with the flow on your path.
We witness you in love, we witness your courage as you take steps forward.
Call us forward to support you in moments, define what you require now, today.
Open to receive through your Heart.
The Pleiadians