The ideas are coming so fast to me at this time, I can hardly keep up.
Let me record two here.
In an earlier article, (1) I quoted Archangel Michael as saying:
“As things are shifting, as the, shall we call it, new awareness, heightened awareness, interdimensional reality – because that is truly what we are talking about – as this truly anchors, not only in the heart, but in the thought patterns, the behaviour patterns of human beings, the idea of working with an Archangel is in fact going to be commonplace.
“This sense of division is going to actually quite quickly disappear. The idea of a punishing deity that you need to earn favour with, curry favour with will change into the true knowing of what has always been the case, which is partnership.” (2)
I know what he means here when he says: “This sense of division is going to actually quite quickly disappear.” I’ve watched myself and other people when we wake up from a point of view that isn’t working. We find that we’ve been mulling the matter over already at a deeper, subconscious level. We feel ready to make the jump.
We now switch from our surface stand to support for our “unsurfaced” ideas on the matter.
From that vantage point and at that time, it doesn’t feel like a difficult jump to make to accept the new point of view.
And we allow ourselves that we can make the jump on the basis of this vantage point alone, without needing to consult every part of ourselves, every part of our minds. It’s like love. It will flow through any crack in the armor. So here I can jump from no belief in angels to a belief in angels very quickly and easily, through any crack in my intellectual armor.
The armor is then shown to be simply a construction of my mind which I, as the Self, agree to make real (believe, pretend, make believe). It dissolves into the ether from which it came.
I have an “I Love Angels” single in my audio file and I just start playing it. I stop thinking the other way and, you got it, change my vote. (3)
I presume that’s what Michael means by what he said.
And a second idea whizzes through. I catch it and expand it.
I just got that humanitarian philanthropy bears a striking resemblance to fighting a war. Not in anything harmful. That’s not what I mean.
But in its operations.
Quite a bit of it is about planning and logistics.
There are situations where boots on the ground have command and there are situations where orders come from the center. These are impacted by the mutual level of trust, confidence in each other, etc. Morale is a big factor.
Michael has told me his signals for “”Yes” and No!” and both are unmistakeable. And when I said humanitarian philanthropy bore a resemblance to war, I received a strong “Yes” signal from him.
Not like that helps anyone fact check! But I left that world in 1987 anyway. (4)
Humanitarian philanthropy – if everything about giving is secure and it should be with the QFS and mass arrests – should require no strategy. Request comes in and money flows out.
But – apart from needing to weed out frauds – if I were dealing, say, with a different, far-away country, I’d be totally lost as to protocol, cultural ways, taboos, etc. Humanitarian philanthropy does therefore call for some forward planning, some strategy that takes these matters into account.
And leadership. I’ve watched so many documentaries on leadership without knowing it. In my case there won’t be a rank/hierarchy (5) and there shouldn’t be. It’s got to be about character and character is weakened rather than strengthened by elitism.
So that’s why I studied World War II so rigorously and for so long! I thought the knowledge would be tangentially beneficial. But I now see it probably will help me make the transition from being purely a writer to being a writer plus an effective humanitarian philanthropist – the latter of which we’ll all be after the Reval. (6)
I see the irony in turning to military matters to get ideas on humanitarian gifting. But the earlier study in areas like planning and logistics, I think, will prove worthwhile.
(1) See “What Unites Activists?” Aug. 25, 2024, at
(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 14, 2019, May 13, 2020.
(3) On changing one’s vote, see:
- “A Radical Change of Vote,” December 23, 2019, at
- “Binding Our Wounds; Changing Our Attitude,” August 9, 2024, at
- “How Do I Change Myself?” August 5, 2020, at
- “Changed My Mind,” September 6, 2021, at
- “Changing My Vote on Change,” January 25, 2023, at
(4) “[Steve] studied in three Ph.D. programs but was uncomfortable remaining within disciplinary boundaries or paradigms. One dissertation was rejected as being outside his chosen field (history).
“After a vision of the purpose of life (enlightenment), Steve’s proposal [to the Sociology Dept. in 1987] to study enlightenment as the purpose of life was rejected as being outside the university’s charter. Steve decided to remain with the study of enlightenment and left the university.” (“About the Staff” at
(5) There will be specialization of function, reporting lines, and cross-training.
(6) On us after the Reval, see:
- What’s Next? Vol. 1: The Reval Itself at
- What’s Next? Vol. 2 The Purpose of the Reval at
- What’s Next? Vol. 3: The Underpinnings of the Reval at
- What’s Next? Vol. 4: Global Leadership and the Reval at
- What’s Next? Vol. 5: G/NESARA at
- What’s Next? Vol. 6: The Reval and Building Nova Earth at