Eline has asked me to include her message with our appeal. Thank you so much, Eline.
Dear GAoG family,
This here is an appeal so Steve doesn’t have to. [!!!] You all know how we are told over and over on different sites that the storm is upon us, bank and internet closures imminent, etc., etc. To get cash out to hold us over…
I’m thinking of our Beloved GAoG staff. They don’t have any reserves. They are stuck when we aren’t able to send them help money. I feel this could be the last opportunity to help them with a supply of cash to weather the storm. [!!!] I felt inspired to send them some extra now from my social security gratitude income. Hope you do too. So much love for All :))))))
… I am in tears.
Thank you so much, Eline.
Well, now our real work as lightworkers may be just beginning.
Blackouts, ten days of broadcasts, the takedown of the cabal happening behind the scenes, the switchover from CIA/Mossad satellites to the Starlink System and quantum systems, G/NESARA. the Reval, all lying ahead of us.
But first we must pass through ten days of “darkness.” The end of darkness on the planet.
As we have every month for the last perhaps ten years, we seek our sustenance from you as the Divine Mother has asked us to do. (1) Until something arrives, we must continue. And now, as Eline mentions, we may have ten days of darkness to save for and get through.
Meanwhile we continue to work and report. What I regard as our most valuable contribution to you right now is furnishing you with our viewpoint, our take, our interpretation from the standpoint of credible channeled literature of what is happening – to us and to our world – and from trustworthy news in a polarized world as well.
We don’t run a large team or have expensive mechanical plant. There’s just our small team and, as our correspondent notes, we have no reserve and must pay the rent. We do that – and have done so for nearly fifteen years – by your help.
We ask you now, if you would, to wander over to the Hope Chest and make a monthly or one-time contribution to the blog’s upkeep, with our loving gratitude.
Thank you so much for keeping us going.
Here‘s how to donate:
Please use this link ~ https://hopeche.st/pages/donate
Click the yellow “Donate” button to make a monthly recurring donation in the amount of your choosing.
For a one-time donation, follow the down arrow to the big box and follow the prompts.
(1) Steve: This poverty that we are having to endure just doesn’t seem necessary.
Divine Mother: Because you have agreed that you are on, can we say, the receiving end.
Steve: So our being [poor] is used as a means to get people to open up?
Divine Mother: To express gratitude, generosity, unity and to express what is valuable to them.
Steve: So that is what the spiritual meaning of this is. That we serve that purpose of igniting people’s generosity or inspiring it.
Divine Mother: That is correct. You are the catalysts. (Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 7, 2015.)