by Nicky Hamid
We live in a duality reality and it has always been my experience that when I am near Truth there is always a paradox in terms of logic and mental mind.
It involves stepping into a Knowing that comes from Heart and transcends the two sides that little mind will always pose to you about anything.
Thus in our transition from what is often called “3D to 5D” our perspective about everything changes, often being reversed, turned upside down, from right to left, and even inside out.
For example, Crazy but True.
Forget the things you have remembered for too long.
Forget the self that you have been told of that you are not.
And Remember the things you have forgotten.
Remember the SELF You Are That you are Love Incarnate, One in and One with the Source of All That Is. GOD SOURCE.
That you can create whatever it is you wish to experience and you are forever.
Look no further “outside” you for who you are.
Feel the Radiance Shining through you from within.
Shine On everyone in your sphere of activity.
Just like our Sun that has recently cracked the magnetosphere and is beaming neutrinos and photons constantly right through us all and into -the core of all ”density” just as if it were not there. Because it is not.
I So Love You
PS: Your Life and in fact physicality itself is not about “separate things”. It is about Relationships.
Everything is relative to everything else. What kind of relationships are you creating in your World (Dimensions).
What you once thought of as solid is actually energy frequencies in limitless dimensional space dancing together in an infinite variety of interwoven relationships.
And You are master as far as you allow your intentions to be in the SOURCE FIELD OF GOD LOVE/LIGHT