by Natalia Alba
Beloved Ones,
We continue being immersed in the planetary reconfiguration and timelines reconnection that we have been undergoing all this year and that now reached its peak. Our metamorphosis process to becoming unified illumined sovereign beings continues, heading now into the eclipses to conclude this intense but blessed eighth universal year.
Our wounded masculine essence continues to be healed of eons of patriarchism, genetic distortions, and galactic wars over consciousness, as recognizing the masculine wound is essential to start seeing the false beliefs and patterns we have been programmed with, retrieving the Divine masculine and merging it with our female one, in a never-ending embrace.
The rise of balanced partnerships on our planet is also another sign of where we are going as an ascended collective, for the ones choosing this transition. As you activate yourself spiritually, becoming sovereign and unified, you will experience the same process in your divine reunion, both of you becoming now spiritually unified and activated humans.
This is a process that starts when both of you have finally healed, cleared, and activated your sixth and seventh-dimensional shoulder portals, finally merging both of your female and masculine essences and initiating the process of galactic retrieval and initiation into a higher ascension stage.
A lot of you are now experiencing this inner synthesis, feeling challenges in your divine reunion until this process is complete, for both need to be in the same frequency band and ascension stage, to be able to co-create equally as One.
The retrieval of our divine masculine is emphasized in many of you with lineage from the Seraphim, Aldebaran, and Orion civilizations. You are going to be specifically living this process of massive release, as you heal the many distorted masculine wounds you experienced while in these civilizations, healing your galactic heritage and the many painful memories associated with all you have ever lived, in the wars over consciousness eons ago of our current time and three-dimensional space.
As you release the many wounds, in the form of miasma, traumas, and hidden memories associated with the masculine, many of you may feel anxiety, dizziness, confusion, emotional release, and many other unique sensations unique to your personal ascension process.
While this process lasts, wounds will resurface, mental debris, and old patterns that reside in your physical, mental, and emotional bodies, and it is common to experience these sensations, for your body cells are massively letting go of programs they have been accustomed to live with for many years, getting now adjusted to a higher frequency and new programming, as they continue to embody the new earth’s frequencies.
The masculine wound is being healed, and the ones who still desire to foment it, are creating more fragmentation and false information. However, deep within ourselves we know, because we feel it, that the female is being embraced, and protected by its divine masculine counterpart, as we continue retrieving and merging both energies within and in our planetary templars, grids, and fabrics.
The separation between both dimensions is emphasized as we continue transcending the three-dimensional planes and moving into the soul timelines. It is now key to witness everything that is taking place in ourselves and the planet, or that we are told that is taking place, from a neutral and compassionate perspective.
Remaining in our Higher Hears, and holding unconditional Love for All is vital as we traverse this passage, for we did not come here to create more separation with our judgments. This is a time to focus on our personal process, for when we heal and activate ourselves we help the whole.
A time to see beyond the three-dimensional dramas and false scenarios created to distract our attention to what is truly important: our consciousness, where we put it, what we feed it with, and what we choose to create with our life force.
May you always choose Love as the only authentic Source, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,