by Judith Kusel
All the answers you seek, are all within the soul, and in the case of ascension, and the process one goes through, as well as the fully activation of the Solar Lightbody form and new twelve strands of DNA, this is something which is unique to every soul on Earth.
For every soul has his or her own unique soul lessons in highest mastery, its own unique soul records, and, more than this, its own unique soul calling, purpose, gifts, talents, attributes, etc., which it needs to utilize.
One cannot do this while clinging onto the Old Self, the old ego, the persona, the old patterns, the old programming, the old belief systems, the old negative karmic patterns your soul has ever created with any other soul, on earth and in all existences, and parallel lives and universes.
Any of these old things are like huge iron balls you lug around with you, which weigh you down and, until you forgive yourself and others, let go of all shame, blame and guilt, self and others, you cannot be freed. The inner cleansing and clearing work needs to be done, and, when one layer is released, the next will appear, and the next and next. (1)
It is a process, for, if too much is released at once, your physical body would not be able to hold this.
As with all the best things in life, this takes time, and sometimes it simply takes time for you to finally realize what no longer serves your own highest soul growth and good, and then let go of the negative patterns or whatever.
Even every single day (and night) you are interacting with other souls, with other energies and energy fields, and thus you need to constantly clear your own energy fields and, if you are out of balance, or emotionally charged, bring yourself back into balance, harmony, and unity once more.
It is journey back into the remembering the truth of who and what you are in truth, and more than this the attainment of soul mastery in ways you cannot attain elsewhere in the whole universe. It is unique to this planet at this exact time.
In truth it is a journey of love, into ever loving oneself more and more into the deepest depth of the shadows, as much as into the highest of the highest love.
It is the return to wholeness, unity, and peace from deep within, and the return to all abiding, all-embracing love.
In truth it is the return to innocence, and the true purity of your own soul.
The deepest illumination within.
For what is within is without.
And, in so doing, your own ascension process accelerates, and when your soul is ready, (in perfect Divine timing) you will be reborn.
Indeed, every single moment on earth right now is already a rebirthing process.
For it is indeed the consciousness of your own soul which rises to the fore, as one with the Divine and All That Is, and the consciousness unlocks the rest.
(1) For more on what Judith is discussing here, See Vasanas: Preparing For Ascension by Clearing Old Issues at A “vasana” is a Vedantic term for a core issue.