“There are some big themes unfolding in August: they all lead to power, and power leads to freedom. Your individual freedom leads to humanity’s collective freedom. This is a personal month, where you will feel personally challenged to let go.
For some, you will feel like you have no choice, and rather than letting go, it’s going to feel that something is being taken away. It’s only temporary. Once the release happens, the relief happens, and healing sets in…rippling into the rest of your life.
The big news for August is that this month, we decide what happens to us, and what our collective fate will be. We’ll know by November if we are heading into humanity being controlled once again, or humanity being liberated and more free than before.”
Kerry ends her video with, “We’re doing this, you guys…and we’re doing it together.” And speaking to that, I have to say that I’lll take door number two, Bob. I do not subscribe to the humanity being controlled again scenario.
Kerry’s website: https://kerryk.com