by Judith Kusel
There is a huge clearing happening of the Old earth as well as the old ego, persona self, the inner child and young adult.
All the separation, the alienation, the old hursts, misconceptions, false belief systems, false programming, etc. It will feel at times as if we are being cleaved open to the fore.
It needs to happen as we cannot take the old baggage and old stuff with us, and this includes all unforgiveness of self and others, and all shame, blame and guilt.
This applies to countries as well, as boundaries will disappear, and so will all false leadership and all involved in the old paradigm.
The old earth is ceasing to exist and thus the earth upheavals.
When such seeming catastrophes happen, boundaries, separation disperses. We realize we are all in this together.
The heart opens and extends to all life and life forms as our natural deep love and caring for animals, plants, all creatures in, on the earth and air are now included.
We are all ascending together, and in caring and love, new communities of love and caring, are born.
We all start contributing in our own unique way to the greater whole, and for highest good of all.
Yes this process is uncomfortable, yes, it is challenging, for you, me, and everyone else, yet this is the great awakening to the truth of who and what we are in truth, as souls, and to start to fully embrace our own true angelic centers and to be love in thought, deed and action.