Judith Kusel
We are now stepping into the vast expanse of new beginnings as the dimensional shift accelerates.
There is a deeper awakening in the soul, as the third eye opens to a much higher degree and with it, the soul memory banks, as the veils of amnesia are lifted.
It is a stirring within the Soul which has no words but is triggering that deep longing for the new to fully emerge, even as you shed the old density and allow yourself to be transfigured into the New Solar Lightbody as the new 12 strands of DNA are being fully activated.
The songs of soul will rise, and this is profound. It goes way beyond words or expression, but it is there in rhythms and new tones and chords now being revealed again, as the lost octaves are being returned and we can finally hear them again, as we lost so much of our inner and outer hearing with the fall of Atlantis.
To me, this is a time when I seek the highest, and will not settle for less than this, for the expansion now, means that one is stepping into the unknown, yet known. All the navigational tools are encoded in your own soul, for each soul will have its own and the more your consciousness levels rise, the more tuned in you become.
You and I are now being geared with cosmic navigational tools, so that we can be fully tuned in on Solar, galactic and Universal levels, even as we remember the truth of who and what we in truth are.
Nothing is impossible now for impossible simply means it is I AM possible!
My heart center is expanding as I am writing this and tears of gratitude, awe and wonder rise, for this is the time we have all been waiting for, indeed, prepared for, for thousands of earth years throughout all our incarnations.
Rise up and remember!
Let us step fully into the unknown and fully live the I AM possible!