by Nicky Hamid
The Myth. What we experience is the result of past conditions and circumstances. That the past predetermines what is happening to you now.
Sorry but the beliefs you have are not dependent on what has happened to you. Outcomes do not create your reality, beliefs do.
Thought (consciousness) precedes outcome always not the other way round. The nature of your experience is dependent on how you feel it and then veiw it. What you think.
Why could there be a number of siblings in your family and yet you each can see your same parents so differently?
Your view creates the kinds of circumstances that become available for you to choose from. If you now know that you create your reality then it is time to choose what your thoughts are. And to do this you need to feel your freedom from a freewill choice of your feeling.
So freedom is what the New Reality is all about. This is what you are seeing rising in all of humanity. The freedom to think what we like.
And this is what the present “movie madness” does not want for you.
It is a contrived reality pushing you hard to disempower yourself in your choice for Freewill.
And if you know your lovingness then you will know that it resides in everyone and it is Divine Law that you must be free to express it.
The Chinese have a saying, “The best way to avoid evil is to make energetic progress in the good.”
Another, more vibrationally powerful way of saying this is “The best way to create what you desire is to align yourself with the feeling you want in your Now and make energetic choices to action more of that feeling.
Dream it and gradually start to feel what it is like as if you were experiencing the reality of it Now.
Your past viewed now (because there is no past actually) becomes an opportunity to discard what you no longer resonate with and to expand your chosen view.
This expansion and alignment comes from your open, conscious, free exploration of your thoughts and leads to increased choice, opportunity, and potential, just so long it takes place in the field of your Lovingness.
All action leads to more expansion as you allow for a larger and vaster view.
It is just like being at the centre of an ever expanding field of Possibilities and living the benevolent outcomes in your total outlook.
The past is merely a source of data you can draw from once you have dismantled any attachment or emotional charge.
I So Love You