Getting across the finish line together
As we head toward a “near-death experience” and “the precipice,” (1) we get to face so many realities. Here is one.
I believe it’s unlikely we’ll reval until the dark is removed from power. It could happen but it’d be a risk and a gamble that the dark doesn’t somehow resurge by battening on Reval money through criminal means.
Michael has communicated that worry:
Archangel Michael: Will [ISIS] be able to hold [the Reval] up indefinitely? No. But the difficulty is that, with this Revaluation, if they were given even more money, they would use it to buy very dangerous weapons. (2)
And again:
Archangel Michael: As we have said in the past, we do not make funds available to create dictators or for buying weapons of mass destruction or war. … That would be an abomination of the Mother’s Plan. (3)
How will we know when we’re beyond that time? I know this sounds circular, but we’ll know, I suppose, because the Reval will have happened.
The uncertainty and suggested wait may make this an unpalatable truth, perhaps the first of many unpalatable truths that are soon to come out. Nonetheless, we may have to endure this deprivation and uncertainty for a while yet.
Here at GAoG, as you know, we’re dedicated to getting across the finish line together – and that includes you, the reader. Our mission right now is to rally lightworkers, not with false hope, but with long-term commitment and strength to get across the finish line – G/NESARA and the Reval – together.
We invite you to play a role as well, by providing the financial support for us to carry on. Please if you would, go on over to the Hope Chest and help us continue, with a one-time or monthly donation.
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(1) “Only at the Precipice,”
(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, July 11, 2014. (Hereafter, AAM.)
(3) AAM, April 19, 2017.