by Nicky Hamid
It is very easy to be caught up in your enthusiasm to change the world or save people from themselves, or show people you have found “the” way.
It is sometimes helpful to remember that while many of us have tasted the sweetness and power of being in our own “space” others have hardly known it in their present incarnation. For these dear ones, and there are so many, it may be much more of a gift for them to experience Presence, to feel how unconditional Love feels, to know that they are really and truly SEEN, than to know anything else.
Keep it simple, be yourself and hold the loving space. Just shine and ALLOW the other to experience the surprises that are in store for them.
By and large I resist the temptation to give others long or involved explanations that would burden their mind with the reality that I am currently experiencing.
Trust them to find their own way. Ask questions that build bridges from their own current point of view, not yours.
It is my experience that people will always ask for what they need. It will be obvious if you TRUST THEM in their own process.
Love points the way and the other’s experience of Presence will be the engine of their release.
I So Love You
PS: Half the difficulty people have with friends and family, and especially children, is the need to be understood.
Or from a simple question, the poor listener blows a fuse with the overload that is given to them.
People will ask on a “need to know” basis not on your “need to tell” enthusiasm.
Is it not similar with your own inner guidance?
You may have many questions but answers come on a need to Know basis through allowing and Trusting your Higher Knowing. And the answers are always right in front of you and are experienced as Profound SIMPLICITY.
The Universe supplies you always on a “need to know” basis rather than stuff your greedy mind so full that it becomes hard to swallow.