by Judith Kusel
I experienced a huge shift yesterday morning, when I was taken back to my conception, the pregnancy and birth, after I did a huge clearing of the solar plexus chakra and activation of the 5th to 7th dimension chakra.
Then I experienced my true cosmic Divine birth. It defies words for such Love and loving birthing is not known on earth.
I was then told that with the soltice, we are now in the stage where the seed dies, and the birth of a totally new life and life form sprouts into form and being.
Today, I am being told that there will be things happening which will shake many to the core, yet is the dying of the old.
Simultaneously the first stages of the dimensional and ascension process, now is rebirthed into higher octaves of dimensional shifts and ascension and like a spaceship, we are launched into that new expanded life in the New Earth and into our true embodiment, the New Solar Lightbody.
In the next ten years we will shift so much, that you won’t recognize yourself.
It is so beautiful!.
So much Love.