by Judith Kusel
“Who am I, in truth?” is the greatest and most important question anyone can ever ask.
We all have taken on so many personas, ego personalities, through my lifetimes on earth, and this was so reiterated by societies into which we were born.
So often people become what their parents, teachers, etc. want them to become, instead of delving deeper within and seeking that deep soul connection, the infinite eternal connection the SOUL. For in truth, first and foremost you are Soul. You are not your physical body, nor embodiment. It is merely a vessel your soul adopts for a very short while, and your soul lives on long after you have left this vessel.
One part of your soul, is eternally connected to your home galaxy, and while another is eternally connected to the Divine Source, the Father/Mother Divine who created your soul. The other parts of your soul (you have 12 in all), are simultaneously working in different fields of expertise all over this Universe, and even beyond.
Once you connect to your soul, you start remembering who and what you in truth are: – this is a profound homecoming. It enables you to not only remember your soul purpose and the reason it was created, soul attributes, but you also remember who you are in your other soul part Universally. I have, and it has truly expanded my vision of what my purpose is on this planet, and why I am here exponentially!
Many people just want to remember their past lives and existences on this planet, and as much as healing can come through this, it is still only a tiny fraction of who and what you in truth are.
I have done thousands of Soul Readings since 2012, when I was first called to do them, or shall I say my soul’s ability to do them was returned to me, with my full awakening, and most soul’s indeed seek validation and affirmation of who and what they are. So many come back to me afterwards, and say: “I have always known this at a very deep level, but I never believed nor lived it.”
This is because of trying to fit into boxes which we never could fit into, those labels and boxes society and everyone else. We were never meant to fit in, we were meant to stand out, and bring our own unique soul attributes, calling, purpose and meaning into form and being!
Once you connect deeply to your soul and remember who and what you are in truth, you cannot do and be other than live the truth of who and what you are in truth.
No-thing else matters anymore.
What matters the most is to serve lovingly from your heart and soul and all that you are, in truth. It becomes a way of life and living!
I had a profound experience this morning with my own Ascended Masters, as I was doing my early morning meditation and prayers. I was reminded not only of how much they are assisting and supporting us through this huge Shift, but one of the Ascended Masters, I have worked with, stepped forward as I was asking how I can serve in greater ways with love.
Instead of answering me, I was asked to ask him to bless me. I had never even thought of asking for a blessing from him, although I have had blessings from Lord Melchizedek. I was deeply touched. Then I simply asked and I received this blessing. It was more profound than I could have ever imagined, for his blessing meant so much for me, and the vision I hold for the New Golden Age and the new humanity.
We are not only asked to step fully into our highest soul attributes, and what we have come here to do and bring into completion, but also now asked to ask for blessings. And not only of from the Ascended Masters we work with, but also from the Divine.
Once we receive such a blessing, our hearts open even more, and we feel such Love and Light pouring into us, that we are lifted into a much higher state. It inspires us to now expand into the highest version of ourselves as souls, and to lovingly serve in ever greater and more profound ways than ever before.
Indeed, that is why we are here.
Love and Blessings