by David Sorensen, February 8, 2024,
To the horror of the elites and their mainstream media minions, Tucker Carlson traveled all the way to the forbidden country: Russia. He did the unthinkable and interviewed the most hated, most despised, most dangerous man on the planet: Vladimir Putin.
This could well be the most viewed broadcast of all time, with an earth- shifting impact on all of humanity.
Why? Because Tucker is interviewing Putin at a time when the worldwide financial elites, also referred to as the “Deep State” or “Cabal”, are pushing harder than ever to ignite an all out, indescribably devastating war with Russia. This would suck dozens of nations into the world’s most catastrophic military conflict since the dawn of our world, and make the first world wars look like a kindergarten quarrel. No doubt nuclear arms would be used – in a desperate attempt of the Deep State military aka NATO to wipe out their worst enemy and regain control over Ukraine.
But in order to do so, they must first of all lie to all of humanity about Putin, in as vicious and convincing a way as possible, depicting him as an evil psychopath who kills for fun, and invades nations at will – something the USA has in fact been doing for many decades, killing millions upon millions of people – but that’s of course irrelevant.
What Putin does is what’s evil, not what the USA has been doing for the past century, invading dozens of nations and slaughtering innumerable defenseless, innocent people.
The Deep State has deployed their entire worldwide arsenal of news media liars to get the public on their side, in the push for a full blown war with the greatest nation of the earth, Russia. If they succeed, it could mean utter devastation for most of Europe, and many other parts of Earth. And if the world’s #1 madman, Biden, engages the US in this war, it could mean the end for all of us, and that’s seriously not a joke.
But then there’s Tucker, this wide-smiling, gorgeous-grinning, sharp-talking, eyes-piercing loud mouth who happens to have the world’s largest audience, with records of half a billion views of some of his broadcasts. This clever commentator has more impact on all of humanity than the entire worldwide news media combined. So what does he do? He travels to Moscow, and shows the world who Putin is, for real.
This could save the world from the worst disaster since it first saw the light of day.
Why? Because the Deep State cannot justify a global war against Russia if half the world population knows Putin is not the insane dictator they have been told. In fact, if they see his kind eyes, hear his compassionate heart, listen to his plea for peace, and understand that he has no intention whatsoever to destroy half of humanity, the world just might begin to see how they have been lied to. They will then agree with Julian Assange, who is still in jail for saying things like:
“All the wars of the past 50 years were started by media. Populations don’t want wars. The have to be fooled into wars by the media.”
The chief editor of one of Europe’s largest newspapers, the Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung (which is distributed in 148 countries, with one million readers per day), has confessed how journalists are bribed by the CIA, American billionaires, and secret societies to push for war with Russia. His confession can be see in the following documentary:
Why is the Deep State desperate to destroy Russia?
The question is, however: why are so many western nations always trying to destroy Russia? First of all, we must understand that these nations are controlled by the aforementioned Deep State or Cabal. This is a global network of astronomically wealthy entities who manipulate governments towards a one- world state under their rule (see this evidence report: Once we understand this, we can find the answer to why they are trying to destroy Russia.
Russian president Vladimir Putin is diametrically opposed to their agenda for world domination.
For years, Putin has been condemning the normalization of pedophilia and the insanity of transgenderism of the West, while defending the nuclear family. He regularly calls the world back to Christian values and condemns the involvement in Satanism by many Western leaders. Putin is indeed their worst enemy.
Russia was once a nation under the control of the Western elites, during the communist era, but around 2012, something profound happened, and Russia was liberated from this influence. The photos below both show “Putin”. The difference is that the first one is the orginal Putin, who was a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum, positioned in Russia to hand over the country into the hands of the Cabal. He was a dedicated servant of the western elites. The schoolbook definition of a traitor.
In 2012, the original Putin suddenly disappeared from the scene, and a few months later an entirely different man appeared – the current “Putin”.
The photos show the stark contrast between these two men. Not only does Putin all of a sudden have an entirely different head and body, but most importantly: he turned 180° from serving the Cabal, to opposing them. Instead of handing over Russia into their hands, he saved Russia from their grip.