Join us Sending Love
for 30 minutes quietly together
with St. Germaine & the Violet Flame,
the Divine Mother, the Mighty Ones, Sanat Kumara,
the Ascended Masters, Gaia, our Star Family,
our Universal Selves. . .
Monday ZOOM Link
Meeting ID: 836 3775 1133
Passcode: 544825
Dr John Hagelin speaks about the Science of World Peace
“Please ask Matthew how we can send love-light.”
With joy we tell you this is as easy as your desire to do so!
If you wish to “formalize” this in a prayer or meditation or visualization, that is fine, of course, but your feelings and intention are enough and no “address” is needed.
Simply your thought of the person, group or Earth herself directs your love-light energy where you want it to go.
(Matthew’s Message, April 3, 2023.)
From St. Germaine, through Linda Dillon, January 16, 2014:
But What Is Love Really?
It is the experience,
the knowing, the connection,
the connectedness, the union
with the One, with Source, with All.
It is you, yes, in physical form,
in your heart consciousness
but also in all of your bodies,
having the experience of being connected to God.