by Nicky Hamid
Do not fall into the “shadow trap” of despair over events that are now being enacted on the mind/emotional “surface” of the present Human drama.
The Shadows embedded in the human psyche have to come into plain view for everyone. They only win if you go into fear and drama.
The more awake you are the more you see the “Movie” as just that. And the easier and quicker it is for you to take your own Truth of ”higher ground to watch and Love, to LOVE and observe.
Shadow has worked for long enough in our subconscious programming, and every Shadow has to be brought to the LIGHT.
There is a Great Plan, and NONE of it (Shadow) can be missed or overlooked.
There are thousands who have worked tirelessly and Knowingly behind the scenes who understand their own part in the conquest of shadow but no One either sees the whole picture, or can do it without the many.
Every protagonist of Original GOD LIGHT intention, both within each of us and imprinted on the “matrix” must be rooted out.
Shadow has been very, very clever, and diabolically insidious.
We are looking at each our own shadow imprints, bringing them to LIGHT and thus every iota has to be first SEEN.
And each time it is faced we make a choice. To see it, recognise and acknowledge it, and feel with all our Heart and Lovingness to say “No, this is not what I prefer. I choose FREEDOM through my own sovereignty to LOVE FEARLESSLY.”
And thus You choose ……LIGHT ON. The conscious choice of your connection to the Radiant LIGHT of GOD/SOURCE streaming down through you into the expanding Field of your own SOUL BEING as HUman.And it is available to you Constantly, with every breath.
Only then will you see clearly enough to step from the old world into a NEW WORLD ORDER that we are creating Together in every NOW moment.
Stay the course Beloved Friends.
There is a PLAN.
It is on track.
And every one of us has a unique part to play.
Shine On.
I So Love You
PS: As a kind of outsider to US citizenship, I have the audacity to make an addition to The Declaration of Independence.
My Declaration as a Citizen of Earth.
I hold these Truths to be self-evident.
That All are created equal, and exist in a Field of Infinite, Unconditional LOVE and Union. That All are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.