Sweet Beings of Light-
We live in a catalyzing time which is pressing us to question the meaning of our current 3D reality.
These are seemingly dark & challenging times, pervaded by control, untruth, manipulation, separation …
… Yet, we still have reasons for HOPE & TRUST!…
We are all feeling the need to examine our own place in this reality.
We are all feeling that it is a pivotal point in time which is calling us to action.
We are here to …
Grow, evolve and deeply connect with our Earth ancestors, the rocks, the trees, the plants, the animals
Remember our star ancestors and come back to the truth that we are children of the Cosmos
Come back to the indigenous way of living based on oneness, cooperation, respect, love
Build the foundations of a new reality & clear the path for our children & grandchildren & the generations to follow …
This is a time which is challenging us to …
Let go of old patterns and beliefs
Examine our insecurities and fears of the unknown
This is a fascinating time which awakens us for the opportunity to …
Explore expansive new belief systems that have not previously been available to us
Open up to a new expansive understanding of reality that we may have not perceived before
Feel strongly our potentials to create new ways of living, new ways of relating to one another, new ways of connecting to the Earth and the Cosmos
How to embrace these potentials and turn them into powers?
The fact is that this creative power resides within us, it has always been there, we have just been separated from it for so long, that we have forgotten it.
It is time for us to awaken and invite this power to be fully present in us and guide us in every thought, emotion, word, action.
This is when we will begin to create a difference.
To address all these topics and provide support during this time of rapid change, my dear friend and colleague Dr. Veselka Nikolova has created a beautiful online event that will guide you to evolve, align with your Soul, heal, express your true potential and become a creator of your miraculous new reality. It’s called:
⭐ Speaking the Language of the Soul ⭐
Align with Who You Truly Are ~ Heal Yourself ~ Heal Your Life ~ Heal All Life
FREE Global Conference from February 6-10, 2023
Click here to register now (free)!
I’m delighted to be one of the featured presenters in this Global conference. The topic I’ll be sharing on is: Raising Your Vibration & Consciousness.
Together in the Speaking the Language of the Soul, we create a sacred space where YOU, the conscious creator of a new reality, can immerse into the wisdom and profound knowledge, intuition and deep experiences of brilliant experts, wisdom-keepers, scientists, seers, mystics, healers and more …
And here’s something even more exciting: ⭐ With your presence, you’ll be an activator of your own healing ~ You’ll be a space holder for the healing of the collective! ⭐
We’ll meet each day from February 6 – 10, 2023.
You will experience powerful healing transmissions, learn valuable body-mind-spirit healing tools & techniques, and learn more about what has been hidden and forgotten — our Soul!
In the sacred space of this event, created by all of us, you will realise that it is the power of your consciousness that creates miracles and you can master this power to create bright & vibrant present moment which is potent and fertile — on an individual and on a collective level.
Click here to register now (free) for the Speaking the Language of the Soul Global conference.
I can’t wait to see you there!
P.S. ~ Check out a few of the exciting topics that we will explore:
Become Your Own Greatest Healer with Emmanuel Dagher
Understanding the Mechanism of Consciousness ~ Taking Steps to Transform Your Life with Jason Shurka
Align with Who You Truly Are with Getrude Matshe
Surrendering to Your Sacred Path ~ Trusting Your Soul with Dr. Veselka Nikolova
Utilizing Quantum Therapy to Expand Source Energy Codes with Erica VanEaton
Healing the 3 Minds – Brain, Heart & Gut with Elizabeth Wood
Know Your Worth, Know Your Value, Let Your Light Shine! with Joy Baker
Quantum DNA, Healing and the Ascension ~ Understanding Who You Truly Are! with Dr. John Ryan
Shifting Timelines ~ How to Make Huge Leaps Forward & Activate Your Highest Potential with Jocelyn Star Feather
Ceremonies of Healing, Remembering & Belonging with Kedar Brown
Yogic Tools For Total Health with Swami Sivamurti Saraswati
High Consciousness Fields and Human Evolution with Jeffrey Stegman and Clayten Stedmann
The Healing Power of Gratitude with Marla Torres
Metaphysical Fitness ~ Generating the Power to Accept Your Good with Simone Wright
The Revolution of Healing, ReGENEration and Bio-Hacking Our Way to Hyper-Health with Dr. Sandra Rose Michael
The Universe Inside Your Heart with Dr. Tayria Ward
The Medicine of Frequency, Multidimensional Cellular Healing, and Transcended Human Being with Sanni Pääkkönen
In the World Not of It ~ Activating Your Divine Blueprint and the New Humanity Rising with Michael Parisi
How Our Souls Can Lead Us to Healing the Deep Split within Human Consciousness with Kali Widd
SoulPhone Communication Technology: Theory, Evidence, Lessons with Dr. Gary E Schwartz
Quantum Plant Intelligence and the Inner Physician with Davyd Farrell
From Earth to the Stars: Crop Circles, UFOs, and Our Multidimensional Nature with Dr. Veronica Goodchild
Raising Your Vibration & Consciousness with Daniel Scranton
You definitely don’t want to miss this! 💖