You know how Kryon is always signing off, “Kryon, in love with Humanity?” The team that produces the Golden Age of Gaia blog is also in love with Humanity, and it keeps us at our respective missions, this Love does. As long as there’s need to raise collective frequency and bring us all together…we’ll be here offering Light information, and keeping our readers updated on relevant current events.
Our mission is fueled by collective Light…Sacred Fire, even. Every one of us, GaoG team and Readers alike…every one of us is passionate to bring about, and be here for, the ascension of the Earth and all the Life upon her. This collective and inextinguishable fire is truly what is carrying us through all of it, bruised and battle-scarred though we may be.
We’re in it with our eyes on the prize; a beautiful, clean world at peace, where everyone has what they need; we’ve achieved our place in galactic society and are enjoying all manner of expanded experiences. We share with all of you a passion and a fire for participating in and making this shift happen, and as elegantly as we can manage. You wouldn’t even be reading this unless you, too, were in love with Humanity.
If you come here every day looking for inspiration and ascension-related news, we truly hope that you find what you’re looking for. It’s what inspires us to share ourselves with all of you in this open-heart space. It is our sincerest desire to provide all that we do free of charge to anyone seeking upliftment, and anyone trying to make sense of this world.
We’re here doing what we do at the behest of both our Celestial and Galactic guides. We think of them as friends and family; even as versions of ourselves. Speaking for my own self, this commitment has led me to lead a fairly unconventional and unplugged kind of life; some might even say rustic. It’s my authentic life, though. Please know that you’re not only helping us to produce and maintain the Golden Age of Gaia blog; you’re helping us to put food on the table as well. Our gratitude for that is truly never ending.
This is what we’ve been guided to do, and it’s been a trust walk of magnificent proportions to keep at it through thick and thin. Thus far, your loving support and partnership has kept us going, and as long as we’re called to this service, we shall remain at our posts.
Many thanks and blessings to our loyal monthly subscribers for providing the beautiful foundation from which we’re able to create this blog, and we look to our new and one-time donors to complete the picture.
Please consider making a one-time or recurring donation to the blog via the Hope Chest.
Yipee! Our new donation system is now available. We invite you to use the link below.
Here‘s how to donate:
Use this link ~
- Click the yellow Donate button to make a monthly recurring donation in the amount of your choosing.
- For a one-time donation, follow the down arrow to the big box and follow the prompts.
- Donations by check or money order should be made out to Hope Chest and sent to Hope Chest, P. O. Box 2744, San Pedro, Ca 90731.
If you have a question, please contact Karen at the Hope Chest: [email protected]