Everything in existence is patterned on the Mother. Here I’d like to discuss one of the Mother’s patterns – creation, preservation, and transformation – which ripples down through Creation.
My statement of it has grown over the years. (1) And I’ve gotten confirmation of it, in whole or in part, from the Mother, Archangel Michael, Sri Shankara, and others.
The larger equation is:
The Pattern of the Mother = Creation, Preservation, and Transformation = Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva (Trimurthy) = Rajas, Sattwa, and Thamas (Gunas) = Akar, Ukar, and Makar (AUM).
We see the Mother’s pattern in the breath too: Inbreath, pause, outbreath. In fact the Mother acknowledges the pattern of the breath: “You’re patterned on me. You are my breath.” (2)
Some sages define the pattern as arising, persisting, and passing away. Anicca, anicca, anicca (impermanence). It’s a feature of all life – and what we think of as non-life – in the world of matter (mater, Mother).
The fact that everything material arises, persists for a time, and then passes away is often seen as proof of the illusory nature of this existence.
Let’s look at the confirmation, first, from the Mother:
Steve Beckow: I have a question for you from our Hindu readers. They want to know if the gunas, the cosmic forces which are called rajas, sattwa, and tamas, are the same as the Trimurthy [Triad] of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
Divine Mother: Yes. We are the same as that triad.
SB: All right. And the Trimurthy of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva is a subset of the Universal Creative Vibration that you are at y`our essence. Is that correct?
DM: That is correct. [The Trimurthy] is much the same as we have been speaking of. It is a way in which my beloved children can come to know me and to have that experience. It is formless, and yet it is form.
It is a way of connection, and it is a way of understanding and entering into a higher vibration of being. So it helps the emergence into my energy. (3)
I read the entire equation to Archangel Michael and he too agreed that it was accurate within the tradition I was writing from:
Steve: I’ve read part of this quote to the Divine Mother. She’s verified it but I’ve added things to it. So I’d like to read it to you again and ask if it is correct.
Creation, preservation, and transformation = rajas, sattwa, and thamas = Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva = Akar, Ukar and Makar or AUM = inbreath, pause, and outbreath.
Archangel Michael: That is quite the expression, Sweet One, and, in that tradition and in that understanding, the answer is correct. (4)
Confirmation also came from Sri Shankara, whom I interviewed in An Hour with an Angel in 2013:
Steve: Let me ask you two questions that you don’t need to take a long time to answer. I’ll ask them both at the same time. And the first is, is what Hindus call Brahman, Atman and Shakti the same as what Christians call the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? And the second is, what is the connection between what Hindus call Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, and the gunas or the cosmic forces of rajas, sattwa and tamas?
Sri Shankara: I can answer this very quickly. There are no differences. (5)
Most recently I came across this confirmation from Swami Ramakrishnananda in the enlightenment literature:
“Vishnu is Sattva; Brahma is Rajas; and Siva, Tamas.” (6)
Though we take it for granted, if we’re looking for the patterns that the Mother follows and which underlie and determine the course of physical and spiritual evolution, we need look no further for one than the Mother’s pattern of creation, preservation, and transformation. It describes, in the most general manner, how the world operates.
(1) “What is the Pattern of the Mother?”
(2) “Transcript ~ A Mass Heart Opening on This Planet,” Aug. 21, 2017, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/08/21/transcript-a-massive-heart-opening-on-this-planet/.
(3) “The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 1/2,” Oct. 17, 2012, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/10/17/the-divine-mother-come-to-me-as-i-come-to-you-part-12/.)
(4) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 2, 2020.
(5) “Sri Shankara: Everywhere You Look will be a Monsoon of Love,” June 26, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/06/sri-shankara-everywhere-you-look-will-be-a-monsoon-of-love/.
(6) Swami Ramakrishnananda, God and Divine Incarnations. Madras: Sri Ramakrishna Math, 1986, 107.