by Nicky Hamid
Tears come as the heart needs to expand. In love, in compassion, in joy, and in humor (fun). And in any sadness there is a beautiful opportunity to release.
In shifting through your tears you are in fact consciously creating a dimensional portal through which Love, your Love can move and create.
Crying is the portal to the expansion of Lovingness. Your Lovingness of YOU.
Humanity is now moving through the portal. Love is being laid bare everywhere within and without. Hearts are opening and expanding.
Tears and sobbing, without a specific story, wash away the pain and clear the mind for a Stillness, and open you up to more Loving.
When sadness comes let it go as deep as it wishes to and when the story is washed away by the tears, it is gone. Just be in gratitude for you Being You.
Let go, let go and allow your Soul to sing.
I So Love You
PS: Cry for the Love of Humanity, for all creatures great and small, for the Love of your Star Family, for the elementals, for anyone and everyone. Turn the tears into joy and connection to All That Is. All it takes is a simple thought in the midst of the tears.
Stop your crying and you block your loving. Let it Flow.
And when it is time, Precious Soul that you are, it will dissolve and resolve way beyond self-pity.
It is the crying in pain, hurt, lack, pity, and in a Golden moment of Self realisation, a Shifting to the expansive touch of our Lovingness which uplifts and empowers everything.