Judith Kusel
“In life one always needs to look through the windows…..”
I read this in German many years many years ago and I so reminded this morning, of those life’s windows.
Life is indeed what you make of it.
You can sit and lament over the circumstances, the people, the inconveniences, the challenges, and whatever life is bringing to you: – or you can choose to find those windows and gain the higher perspective, the greater view, and more than this the hidden beauty, joy and blessings brings, the goodness people, and miracles which are unfolding right there where you are!
I was sitting on my balcony this morning, which is my “window” as I look over the mountains and sea and the Bay, and every single day, that view has something else to offer, something to love, something to appreciate, something to take note of, and always brings me inspiration and joy! More than this, a deep appreciation of Mother Earth and the boundless gifts she brings us every single day! And this expands to the Divine as divinity is within all everything, everyone and all of Creation, visible and invisible!
This Morning, I was watching the mist being vaporized by the Sun, and the misty streaks and figures were dancing, morphing into different shapes and it became a magnificent dance between the sun and the mist! Enchanting.
My wish today, is that you will take time to look out of those windows, and to truly see with the eyes of your soul! For the eyes of the soul, will always search for the greater picture, the greater whole, and greater Divinity held within each breathing moment of being alive! Those windows are indeed so necessary at this momentous time, when we have one foot already in the New Earth, and one foot still in the Old Earth, and tend sometimes get pulled back into the dramas the Old Earth is spinning.
When we open the windows of our heart and soul, we will always find that there is someone even worse off than we are, and someone who could do with more love, and someone who could do with that word of encourage and good cheer. Even those who seeming seem to have it all, can do with someone who will love them just the way they are.
We all thrive on hugs, and beautiful doses of inspiration, and add to this love, love, love.
So let of open those windows today (open the shutters which obscure the view as I have seen so often in Europe and wondered why no one even opens them in summer, when there is so much to see on the outside and beautiful views), and open the windows of the soul and then find joy, inspiration, the greater view, the cosmic moments, and miracles, and love, exquisite beauty which is present everywhere!
Seek and ye shall find.
For the Soul, loves to soar and to fly and to explore beyond the beyond, and always, always, is led back to sacred heart, which is wide open, and embraces it all, with love, through love, and through even greater love and joy!
Hip-Hip Hurray! I AM finding joy in every day!